Over and out

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Bye everyone! Signing out for good as I've spent much longer here than I intended, and I have other things I need to be doing.

Apologies to anybody I've offended if I didn't mean to...and if I did you can f**k off. :laugh:

Wishing you all a good summer.

Peace out


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Rusty Nails

Country Member


Über Member
Bye everyone! Signing out for good as I've spent much longer here than I intended, and I have other things I need to be doing.

Apologies to anybody I've offended if I didn't mean to...and if I did you can f**k off. :laugh:

Well you didn't get round to offending me so I'm feeling a bit left out. Ya nobber.

Anyway, so long and thanks for all the fish.
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Steady on @multitool old bean!

Stick around. We don't want another 2017-style Grande Flounce.


Elder Goth
Already missing him. In a similar way as I'd miss next door's dog yapping when I walk past the gate.

His dogged (heh) pursuit of anyone who disagreement was pretty impressive, you have to admit.

And who can forget the grit bin/phone box library junkie and the inept Dad's Army/Neighbourhood Watch team which took so long to move him on.

Quality entertainment. Up there with MatthewT's Domino's post on the mothership, which I still read for a laugh sometimes.
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Senior Member
And who can forget the grit bin/phone box library junkie and the inept Dad's Army/Neighbourhood Watch team which took so long to move him on
Vigilante man. In France last year, I was out early to buy croissants. A bloke walked down the road in a long leather coat and stetson.
Ennio Morricone type music playing from somewhere (Bluetooth speaker in his pocket?). I immediately thought 'I wonder if that's Tool, out on his early morning grit bin patrol'.


Elder Goth
Vigilante man. In France last year, I was out early to buy croissants. A bloke walked down the road in a long leather coat and stetson.
Ennio Morricone type music playing from somewhere (Bluetooth speaker in his pocket?). I immediately thought 'I wonder if that's Tool, out on his early morning grit bin patrol'.

I don't actually remember the last time I saw a grit bin in the wild.

No wonder the arse has collapsed out of the proper drug market and people are taking spice and krokodil.
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