Cruella Braverman...

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Über Member
I admire your optimism.

24% don't know. These people have the vote.


View attachment 4975
24% don't know. These people have the vote.

Another optimist.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Another optimist.

Even as a bit of a cynical soul I say "why not".

We are forever being told how things in this country have improved since the worst days of colonialism, slavery, racism, poverty, disenfranchisement of whole groups. Either they have improved or they haven't so, if they have improved, why should that improvement stop now. If there is no hope of improvement what is the point of even talking about or taking an interest in politics?


Today is a sad day for British politics - the longer she stayed in place, the more likely the tories would be consigned to oblivion at the next general election. Now the bastards have more chance. Damn!

I'm not so sure. I suspect that she'll not waste any opportunity to stick the knife into Sunak (after all, it's not as if she's lacking in the vindictiveness or spite departments) - and that's not the look you want when you're trying to present the front that you're running a competent and in-control grovernment [1].

Morevoer, it's likely that she'll now feel free to say anything to appeal to the hard right so as to improve her chances of leading the Conservatives. But as multitool's pole shows, she doesn't even have the full support of Tory voters while Labour and Liberal voters find her repellent - and most voters aren't Conservative supporters. People whose support Sunak will desperately need if he wants to have even the remotest chance of winning the next election. I think a loose cannon Braverman is likely to make the Conservatives look even less electable to a large swathe of the elecorate.

[1] The phrase "Strong and stable" comes to mind here for some reason...



This, Claud, really needs a "Not Safe for Mental Health" tag...

PS: You're getting my mind bleach bill.


Master of the Inane Comment
If nothing else I would hope that recent events, especially the weekend's events in London might just give the sheeple some inkling about where the real danger exists, who the real enemy is, not just in the UK, but the world. It's not the left-leaning, fag-commo, yogurt-weaving, tofu-noshing wokewankers, nor is it black, brown, beige, tan, yellow peoples, nor is it the Jews, Muslim, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Protestants or Catholics (other religions are available), nor boat-people, refugees, asylum seekers or economic migrants, nor is it beggars, the homeless, new-age travellers etc. etc.
The true enemy is in plain sight....

Don't tell me - cyclists!
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