Facebook rebrand

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Master of the Inane Comment
The Tories could rebrand as the Conservative and Extra-Marital Unionist Party.
The more I find out about Facebook, the less I like them. And I didn't much like them to begin with. They really don't give a toss about anything but $$$$$$$$$. Same goes for Instagram and TikTok. The whole lot of them are ruinous for kids mental health especially.


The more I find out about Facebook, the less I like them. And I didn't much like them to begin with. They really don't give a toss about anything but $$$$$$$$$. Same goes for Instagram and TikTok. The whole lot of them are ruinous for kids mental health especially.
Instagram is Facebook Meta, WhatsApp too. I’m trying (and currently failing) to persuade friends and family to move to Signal but WhatsApp has such huge dominance.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
The whole lot of them are ruinous for kids mental health especially.
Yeah, that isn't really true. They can also be a force for good. Like everything on this board though we do like extreme statements, and this is a good one. But there are actually 000s of supportive groups on Facebook too that wouldn't exist anywhere else!

Deleted member 49

Yeah, that isn't really true. They can also be a force for good. Like everything on this board though we do like extreme statements, and this is a good one. But there are actually 000s of supportive groups on Facebook too that wouldn't exist anywhere else!
Yea a force for good.🙄
They could all be a force for good 100% of the time if they wanted to be though. I agree there are good things about all these platforms but you only have to look at the recent whistle blower revelations to see that they have consistently and deliberately put profits above the well being of their users.


Master of the Inane Comment
The whole lot of them are ruinous for kids mental health especially.
Yeah, that isn't really true. They can also be a force for good. ... But there are actually 000s of supportive groups on Facebook too that wouldn't exist anywhere else!
I am going to have to side with AS on this one. I have seen here (but can't give a link) very considerable concern at the detriment to children's normal development when they are stuck in front of a screen from a young age. Both mental and physical. It's very difficult to get a public discussion of this going, as the platforms you might use to do this know a vast amount of money is at stake if the enslavement to devices was ever to be curtailed. Some politicians, seeing the advance of digitalisation, want this in the Kindergarten.

It may be true there are supportive groups, though by definition they can only be virtual. What bothers me is the increasingly intolerant cancel culture that is spreading like mould in the online fraternity. I'm not a luddite (hopefully!), but the internet is a good servant and a poor master.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Yea a force for good.🙄
View attachment 145
Let me just check what I wrote.....

Yep, checked, I wrote that they 'can be a force for good', not 'are always a force for good'.

I know of lots of groups on Facebook where people get huge amounts of support for their mental health issues. I also know of the existence a group where suicidal people are offered advice on how to get on with it!

Damage in some situations and support in others. It has to be more about education in how to use groups and social media effectively, it is not as simple as just saying 'it's all bad'.

I am going to have to side with AS on this one. I have seen here (but can't give a link) very considerable concern at the detriment to children's normal development when they are stuck in front of a screen from a young age. Both mental and physical.
That isn't Facebook though, that is computers and screen time. They could be doing their homework and school assignments on laptops, it all counts towards screen time.
That's it exactly - a good servant but a poor master. It's near impossible for governments to police the Internet, but the least you would hope is that big tech don't make things worse. And yet they do. It's not like they don't have the money to spend on better supervision or changing algorithms so that inappropriate content isn't pushed onto vulnerable people. They could do it, they just choose not to.

Deleted member 49

Yep, checked, I wrote that they 'can be a force for good', not 'are always a force for good'.
Yea can be....but there not.
I know of lots of groups on Facebook where people get huge amounts of support for their mental health issues. I also know of the existence a group where suicidal people are offered advice on how to get on with it!
Maybe it would be better if the Tories hadn't cut so many lifelines for people with mental health problems....you know that little thing called austerity ?


That's it exactly - a good servant but a poor master. It's near impossible for governments to police the Internet, but the least you would hope is that big tech don't make things worse. And yet they do. It's not like they don't have the money to spend on better supervision or changing algorithms so that inappropriate content isn't pushed onto vulnerable people. They could do it, they just choose not to.
Yes. The argument that they are just a network, like a telephone company, and hence not responsible for their content is false. BT don’t analyse what I say on the phone to my local takeaway and then suggest other purveyors of paneer shashlik that I may want to consider. Facebook and YouTube do exactly that, it’s their entire business model.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Maybe it would be better if the Tories hadn't cut so many lifelines for people with mental health problems.
Wow, are the Tories in charge of the whole world now? When did that happen? Or am I getting confused, is Facebook just in England. I don't know which it is now, can you explain to me?


Nick Clegg has been a bit quiet lately, hasn’t he? You’d expect him to be apologising all over the media at the moment.
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