Agreed with waht you wrote about the use the issue is indeed that, adn that cause the country to be on a standstill/standoff everytime. Trump banned crt so Biden brought it back, the real victims are the children and future generations because the division only gets bigger especially when you teach all white men are racist and all cops are bastards.(it's a bit more packed in nice wors but it comes down to that it's based on marxism)Well of course much of what kids learn at school is not taught in lessons, hence the trope about Waterloo being won on the playing fields of Eton. I do think the US seem to see things through the lens of identity politics far more than in the UK, especially race and religion and they bring this into education and public services in a way we don't. Hence you get JK Rowling books being burnt by right wing Christians, then 20 years later removed from libraries by the left wing.