House prices are insane

  • Thread starter "slow horse" aka "another sam"
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Of course not. We just need to rejoin the EU so we have freedom of movement then those Polish lads will have those houses up in a jiffy...

We could have a German version of Jimmy Nail and Co 😊


Well-Known Member
We need rubber boats full of bricklayers, etc

The article shows the absurdity of government house building policies.
Everybody is highlighting practical aspects but LAbour are not listening. Just like before the election when everybody was saying how bad the economy was 9incl eg IFS) but Labour were not listening and then once elected ... "far worse than we thought" - maybe they should have listened to everybody/anybody the week before!

But they have extended their "listening" to lobyists from the vested interests (maybe because those who actually analyis issues don't hand out gifts of free Taylor Swift tickets).

Maybe I wasn't listening because Labour are turning out to be a far bigger disappointment than I'd imagined.

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