Mein Kampf

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Many years ago, as part of my studies. Would rather not re-read it, for many reasons…


You haven't missed much. It is not just revolting anti-Semitic self-delusional twaddle, it's badly-written to boot. He made a fortune from the royalties, but only because it was de rigeur for supporters to buy it. Doubt they actually read it all…

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Those of you that have read it. Did you read it German or English?

I ask because some of the jokes are much funnier in German, they don't translate too well, maybe that is why you have found it a bit dull?


New Member
What were your thoughts having read it? Banger or Clanger?
It was many years ago but I think I do remember it being hard going.


Turgid prose. And apparently most of the translations heavily reworked it..."An incoherent soup, one could become half-mad translating it" according to the translator of a new critically annotated French edition, Olivier Mannoni. He opted to stay closer to the original "highlighting Hitler's limited vocabulary and repetitive style".
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