I see the Conservatives have held Old Bexley and Sidcup, but, with a massive reduction in their majority. Low turnout, but, even so, it is difficult to see how this can be regarded as an endorsement of the Government. 10% swing to Labour. Perhaps, a Labour Government is on it's way at the next GE? If that happens, we will have to close this little forum down.
Well is some kind of indication that some of the electorate are paying attention some of the time yes, let's hope so.
I'm sure you're only joking about the little forum then having run its course
But if you really think the discussions on here solely come down to "Tories bad, Labour good" maybe you need to pay a bit more attention.?
I wonder if it might be possible to have a system which enables proper democratic representation and decision making on behalf of the country without invoking the rather confrontational language of 'winning' and 'losing'. I find it all rather childish tbh, we ought to be able to have conversation and debate like the grown adults we are. A lot of the discourse since the last big constitutional decision we made a few years ago has been like watching my children squabbling.
No winners, no losers, just grown up decision making. Is it possible?
Yup , I don't know of any other place where supposed serious business is done, that 'behaves' themselves as they do in parliament .
And I think that feeds into the public idea of what politics is that its an endless 'them versus us' adversarial game that requires people to be trying to trounce their opponents.
And that there always be two sides scoring points, rather than different ideas trying to find some common ground.
You go to one of the all party parliamentary groups, or engage with departmental civil servants and you find plenty of grown ups getting on with sorting out the fine detail of what needs to be done, to keep the country heading in a helpful direction .
Which is always more complicated than the unseemly brawl mentality, stirred up by the populist press.
But the populist press is owned and controlled by people who profit from maintaining the division and discord.
And that's the kind of political 'news' that the majority of people seem to consume , if they take any notice at all.
You are right. I can see how that would work. This forum is a glowing example.
But at the same time this forum provides a good outlet for people who probably
didn't ought to be in politics, but who are at least a teensy bit interested and who wish to delve deeper.