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It's actually the opposite. Men are struggling to find partners because women now have higher standards of what they are prepared to accept. Which is a good thing, surely.

Being kind and considerate is an attractive quality to most women. Macho unemotional posturing less so.

If Mr Orban wants to make sure his country's male offspring are able to find partners he would be better addressing the availability of hard core porn and other cultural issues which are turning young men into bitter, entitled incels, who, understandably, girls don't want to touch with a barge pole.
Not really the same thing. The teacher was jailed for contempt of court after returning to the school premises whilst suspended. If he's aggrieved he should claim for constructive dismissal (or whatever the Irish equivalent is).

I don't think preferred pronouns are what Orban is talking about.


Reading around the chip
It's actually the opposite. Men are struggling to find partners because women now have higher standards of what they are prepared to accept. Which is a good thing, surely.

Being kind and considerate is an attractive quality to most women. Macho unemotional posturing less so.

If Mr Orban wants to make sure his country's male offspring are able to find partners he would be better addressing the availability of hard core porn and other cultural issues which are turning young men into bitter, entitled incels, who, understandably, girls don't want to touch with a barge pole.

I don't think women as 'partners' forms any part of Orban's vision.


Reading around the chip
Orban is a particularly nasty, old school, right wing populist and his views are not typical of many other forward-looking countries.

He is what he is and it is up to Hungary how to deal with him

There are similar movements worldwide, many gaining power and achieving mainstream legitimacy. Pretending it's some kind of idiosyncratic relic is not going to make them go away.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
There are similar movements worldwide, many gaining power and achieving mainstream legitimacy. Pretending it's some kind of idiosyncratic relic is not going to make them go away.

What is? And a pragmatic solution not a theoretical one about how people in the UK can help change Hungary and other nations like it, especially from outside the EU.

It is real, no one is pretending it is some kind of idiosyncratic relic, and Orban is a bit more than just idiosyncratic.
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