I agree - house prices - and hence rents - are far to high in the UK
If I was in charge I would look at changing how much people can borrow and how the whole mortgage system works
e.g. if you have a house valued (at the time of purchase) of e.g. £200,000 and you borrow £170,000 on it
then you want to move but it is now worth only £150,000
Not only in the uk, but because of the housing benefits system and de rents being adjusted to the houing rate it is more connected than other countries.
Short term limiting of borrowing wouldn't change that much, they put an upper limit into think it's called ''help to buy'' a few years ago and now they sell ugly 2 bedroom factory flats for just under that amount.
then instead of being in negative equity - so you can;t move without suddenly owing £30,000 - then you are entitled to carry over the mortage in some way onto your new house
in some way
as yet to be determined
etc etc etc
Yeah, well if you do things like this they got to help to home owners too, most of them will have an mortage much higher then the new value because of suggested soluttions. And if the government could bail-out banks in 2008 from which said banks learned nothing, they can bail-out mortages too.
it would crash house prices very quickly - but so what - I own a house and if it is worth x then another house currently worth x will pretty much still be worth the same as mine after the enforced crash
Well the very reason of what you just say above is also the reason why no gverment will ever make an decision like this, it will make the house of cards crash and have a gigantic domino effect. Companies like Uber, Deliveroo etc. are all build on millions and millions off debt, purely on the promise off what they could be not on the basis of actual results. That exactly the problem, as any banker could tell you if you come and ask for money for you local bakery shop, but apparently can't if the numbers are high enough. The security of being to big too fail..
Probably not that easy
but I think a drop in house prices in a good idea - it is the problems it causes for people that is the problem that needs to be solved
I think the financial system is in a bubble currently and the housing prices have surged in that bubble, it's inevitable that the bubble will burst at some point, and it's not going to be pretty i just hope it are the rich who pay for it this time but i'm not very hopefull.