RIP James Lovelock..

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Active Member
A really great man. I don't know much about Gaia but I've used his electron capture detector in a small portable gas chromatograph that our company developed. We could detect SF6 at concentrations of one part in a thousand million and the detector could probably work at much lower ones.

Didn't he invent the electrically heated motorcycle suit too? I could be wrong.


A really great man. I don't know much about Gaia but I've used his electron capture detector in a small portable gas chromatograph that our company developed. We could detect SF6 at concentrations of one part in a thousand million and the detector could probably work at much lower ones.

Didn't he invent the electrically heated motorcycle suit too? I could be wrong.

According to the article he had loads of patents on things, so a heated suit is very possible.

I once met and had dinner with him in Cornwall, via a friend.

Fascinating, but also very unassuming* chap..

*As so many of the good eggs are, it would seem.


I've always tended to think of him more as a philosopher than a scientist, but there you go.

Both really
A philosophical scientist, or a scientific philosopher.

Personally I find the strict division that's often made between the two to be an unhelpful, and even unrealistic way of viewing and inhabiting the world.

But then I'm a big fan of combining science philosophy and art in most things, so perhaps Im a bit biased...🤔

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Interesting, and surprising to me at least, article about him from ten years ago, especially his views on fracking, development of bigger, more advanced cities, and the Greens.
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