This is just Brilliant.

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Listened to about half of it in the car this morning.

Standard Varoufakis populism. Comes on to a cheer. Punts the sort of stuff only an undergraduate Sociology student would get excited about.

Loads of factual inaccuracies, for example claiming UK sold chemical weapons to Iraq. They didn't. He might be confusing the Matrix-Churchill/Gerald Bull debacle, or confusing the sale of chemicals, some of which can be used as precursors.

He claimed all Israeli weapons are from the US. Utter nonsense, the Israelis have a highly developed arms industry of their own.

Overall, though, it's the student-politics level of his line that grates. Instead of trying to cast the US as the baddie he could have acknowledged that all states are, and always have been, playing the same complicated game of influence. He might wish for the demise of US influence, but for all its faults I'd rather live in the US sphere of influence than the Chinese sphere.


I got to 120 seconds and realised I needed to have mentally 'joined' in order to willingly 'suffer'.

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