Tips on starting a religion

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"slow horse" aka "another sam"

I'm thinking about starting a religion, or perhaps a cult, which might be a little easier. Best tip wins Russell's teapot.


There's probably too much science and education around nowadays to get a new religion started, you might get away with being a bit of a cult though.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Don't worry about doctrine or divine beings, the sketchiest details will be fine. You just need to cultivate a magnetic personality: somewhere between Charles Manson and Russell Brand, with a bit of Donald Trump thrown in. Devotees will then flock to you.

All uphill

Well-Known Member
I admire your optimism. In any case, what's the difference between a religion and a cult? Numbers.

If it makes people feel good it will have a following, so, how about

The church of do as I say and you will go to heaven and that horrible bloke down the road will burn in hell.
Tricky to start a new one from scratch. I'd go with a spin off from an established one. Lots of them in history already: the Gnostics, various Indian gurus, Jim Jones, various Mormon sects. Half the work's done for you already.

What takes your fancy? I think Scientology is due for a schism. Already has a flock who have demonstrated a willingness to be parted from large amounts of money. Maybe you could be the charismatic figurehead of the New Hubbardians?


Active Member
Reminds me of the novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein.

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Brexit was almost a religion at one point.
Facts went out the window. It seemed that all you had to do was believe in it and it would manifest.
Sadly it never happened.

"slow horse" aka "another sam"

In seriousness, though I can't help but think religion is the greatest ever harm we've done to ourselves, the literature, art and architecture it has inspired are undeniably food for the soul that we may or may not have.

I hope there's a heaven for those who want it, a hell for those who deserve it, and endless broadband for the rest of us currently in limbo.

Might as well park this old clip here while I'm at it (can be watched without going to X):

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