No, not ours! We just had one little girl. I sat in the garden as dawn broke after the night she was born, puffing on a packet of Rothmans and working my way through four cans of Special Brew, thinking " Good God, what on Earth have I done? ". The hospital suggested swaddling when my wife rang them to say that she was crying. It was the start of a long and delightful journey.
Excellent, glad you enjoyed it.
I did it twice , so it can't have been
all terrible .
is a fairly crazy mind-blowing leap, particularly the first time, from non parent, only having to worry about yself, to parent.
Even when you've been carrying it around for 9 months, and you know the
Then suddenly, the reality is you're left in charge of this fragile scrap of humanity who depends on you for
And everyone thinks you
must know how to do this stuff, cos you're a parent right??
Still they survived.
Thrived even