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Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Lying scumbag w@nker Johnson will still be PM no doubt.
Why so much personal abuse? Is this the kinder political discourse that @Fab Foodie called for, removing the hate etc?
Why so much personal abuse? Is this the kinder political discourse that @Fab Foodie called for, removing the hate etc?

I'm not abusing you, yet, so it's not personal.

I remember a different member who hasn't posted for ages used to use the phrase "personal abuse" when moaning about posts criticising Johnson. Are you them, posting under a different moniker?
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If they find he broke the rules, but don't fine him as the Constabulary has a policy of not retrospectively fining, then he can say 'I wasn't fined, I am staying'.
So not that much integrity really eh? He could have said 'If I am found to have broken the rules I will go', but he didn't say that, and please don't tell me that is what he means, he is a lawyer and ex-DPP he won't use language accidentally.
Yes, that's why the Tories are now concerned that if Starmer *is* fined and resigns that this will then put the Prime Minister in an untenable position. Either he has to resign or he stays, proves that he has no integrity and the party lose most of their seats at the next election (although this may well happen anyway).

All uphill

Well-Known Member
Yes, that's why the Tories are now concerned that if Starmer *is* fined and resigns that this will then put the Prime Minister in an untenable position. Either he has to resign or he stays, proves that he has no integrity and the party lose most of their seats at the next election (although this may well happen anyway).

But Johnson is already in that sort of position and seems to find it wholly tenable.
It's what is expected of him and accepted from him by his party.

It's cos he's such a cuddly, lovable little rascal! :wacko:


And if he did wriggle out on the technicality that he was found to have broken the rules but not been fined?

I said his reputation would be "toast".
Having set himself up as a paragon of righteousness, he'd face humiliation and a leadership challenge if he didn't resign promptly after being found gulity of a rules breach. I think he would resign ....; if only all politicians were as principled, eh?

Or he could still be fully exonerated by the police; Labour seem very confident of this outcome.

It's a shame the conservatives can't say anything like the same of their own leader and prime minister;
An international laughing stock.
OVer 50 FPNs including 1 for Boris personally, and numerous police investigations still in progress.
And nearly 40 documented letters to the 1922 committee from Conservative MPs and MSPs.
My, what a "leader".

If only your ilk had higher standards when voting.


Well-Known Member
No, the issue for the PM was he had mislead about what happened, and everyone called for his head on that basis. Now we can prove Keir Starmer lied, but that is apparently different.

Interesting, why have you written 'may', is it because you believe he will find a way out of resigning if he has found to have broken the rules, but not been fined?

Even the Mail would find it hard to print that pile of nonsense.
personal abuse
I don’t think that means what you think it means.
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