Al Fuggit and Harrods

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Legendary Member
Astonishing news this week that Mohammed Al Fuggit, late proprietor of Harrods was a narcissistic sex pest.
This well kept establishment secret has come as a complete surprise except to anyone who has read Private Eye at any point from Al Fuggit buying Harrods (1988) and his demise in 2023.

I have also heard that there are rumours that bears do not in fact use the park toilets but just go in the woods, and that the Vatican is the secret headquarters of the Catholic Mr Big.


He always had a glint in his eye.


You can see why he was never offered the UK citizenship he so craved.
This is total speculation. But maybe after the death of Diana and Dodi it just because too toxic to prosecute him, as he would start throwing shoot everywhere and bring too many people down with him.
Big questions do need to be asked of the fixers and enablers who turned a blind eye.

Private Eye do a lot of good investigative journalism, especially on local council corruption. I wish bigger outlets would pick up some of their stuff.

Starmer was head of the CPS for some of these allegations. I hope he will give some answers on why they weren't pursued. I suspect 'different times' might be the answer.


Legendary Member
Private Eye do a lot of good investigative journalism, especially on local council corruption. I wish bigger outlets would pick up some of their stuff.
Starmer was head of the CPS for some of these allegations. I hope he will give some answers on why they weren't pursued. I suspect 'different times' might be the answer.
Don't forget that being the DPP is largely a political / strategy job. The DPP doesn't get every case wheeled in front of him or her for approval. They are setting strategy and policy. Specific very complex cases might be brought to the attention of the DPP but it's a bit rare I think.
You might think a high profile character might be brought to his attention though. I understand one of the allegations didn't get as far as the CPS so the police perhaps have some questions to answer too.


Well-Known Member
The lizards at the Daily Wail are under orders to find or invent a link to the BBC!
I'm sure they can weave some narrative around Michael Cole as he appears to have negotiated some destruction of evidence.


Legendary Member
The Eye has already printed a "100 years ago" column - a story from 1988 about Fuggit's habit of asking pretty shop assistants to come to his private residence and his minders being told to give them cash if they came out happy.
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