Bin Ladens' bestie Charles

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me


Will this stick? Or is this merely the press being mischievous?

Its all according when that money was recieved i suppose….before or after 9/11


Über Member


Will this stick? Or is this merely the press being mischievous?

The prince’s people are saying all the necessary checks were made and there’s been no breach of any law but it’s still proper for this to be newsworthy.

Why would anyone want to donate such a large sum of money and what do they expect in return?
The word ‘donate’ makes it sound so charitable and wholesome but the prince is hardly in need, is he?

We’re supposed to believe this is all perfectly normal, like accepting £millions in cash in carrier bags for no apparent reason.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
The prince’s people are saying all the necessary checks were made and there’s been no breach of any law but it’s still proper for this to be newsworthy.

Why would anyone want to donate such a large sum of money and what do they expect in return?
The word ‘donate’ makes it sound so charitable and wholesome but the prince is hardly in need, is he?

We’re supposed to believe this is all perfectly normal, like accepting £millions in cash in carrier bags for no apparent reason.

At which point (ie amount), does a donation, become suspicious?

One persons “small” donation may be “significant” to another.

Perhaps, the answer is don’t donate to anything?


Will this stick? Or is this merely the press being mischievous?

So far as I can see the Bin Laden family disowned Osama long before he died and before 9/11.

No fan of the heir to the throne but I'm struggling to see why the family are an issue. If it's about the size of the donation and the possibility of favours being expected then the fact it's BL money is neither here nor there.
I don't have any issue with the Osama Bin Laden angle - it's just guilt by association and I'm not seeing any evidence the donors are connected with terrorism. You do have to wonder what they hope to receive in return though. Just good publicity for them? Influence on Charles? Introductions to other influential UK people or politicians? Softening of attitudes towards Saudi Arabia?

It's my view that substantial donations rarely come without strings attached, whether it's to charities or political parties. There are several charities and news outlets whose roles I think are massively compromised by having taken donations from individuals and foundations. They are no longer impartial. If it was just about helping the less fortunate they could have donated to a charity that doesn't have a royal connection. In fact they are rich enough to run their own charity.

It's not so much a donation as an investment.


Über Member
At which point (ie amount), does a donation, become suspicious?

One persons “small” donation may be “significant” to another.

Perhaps, the answer is don’t donate to anything?

He’s a ridiculously wealthy man so I’d say any ‘donation’ is suspicious.

If the donations are supposedly for one or more of the charities the prince supports and not his personal gain, why not make the donation direct to the charity and leave him out of it?


The headline says that Charles was given the money, then the text says that the money was paid to a charitable trust after the trustees agreed to it, is that really the standard of journalism that I pay my licence fee for?


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
It was also accepted by the trustees of the charity and all due diligence was undertaken.

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