Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
- Location
- South Tyneside
Am I the only here who doesn't have a Times subscription? Are they free to NACA Members of High Regard??
Am I the only here who doesn't have a Times subscription? Are they free to NACA Members of High Regard??
Am I the only here who doesn't have a Times subscription? Are they free to NACA Members of High Regard??
lr fair soing rt,ks hottntsioi our sy.seas
Our obsession with race is pushing us apart
Black or s hite. Britons haw more in common %hit each other than with an ethnic group else' to around the %orkl
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Fat t▪ he best analysis ax:1comynfsitary on the political tindsope soraiwomisi•
Am I the only here who doesn't have a Times subscription? Are they free to NACA Members of High Regard??
That is rather a snippy and unwelcome comment.
Anyway, it could go in this thread or the pub one, but I've witnessed at close quarter a 'Where do you really come from?' exchange in my local, in which a then friend of mine was not the victim but the antagonist. I'm ashamed to recount that my friend targeted a young Welshman of South Asian ethnicity - the only person in the room who wasn't white - in order to bait him with a disingenuous and persistent line of questioning about his origins and identity. The young man greeted this assault with much more equanimity than my friend deserved. One of his mates, however, was clearly simmering with rage and looked intent on punching my friend's head in. I successfully discouraged him from doing this, by means of disrupting the direction of the conversation and afterwards apologising on the friend's behalf. And also pleading clemency on account of age (the friend was in his 70s). I should have let the belligerent racist little bastard take a pasting - he resented my intervention and implied criticism of his behaviour anyway, and continued to behave like an peanut on future occasions. He later stopped speaking to me just because I told him he was a UKIP-voting twat. Racists are very thin-skinned.
Cool story bro!
You're getting the hang of this interweb thingy after all.
You're a good teacher, I picked that one up from you.
I've seen stuff directed at friends - and my late mother's similar line of questioning, fortunately directed at me about an absent friend, rather than at him.Anyway, it could go in this thread or the pub one, but I've witnessed at close quarter a 'Where do you really come from?' exchange in my local, in which a then friend of mine was not the victim but the antagonist. I'm ashamed to recount that my friend targeted a young Welshman of South Asian ethnicity - the only person in the room who wasn't white - in order to bait him with a disingenuous and persistent line of questioning about his origins and identity. The young man greeted this assault with much more equanimity than my friend deserved. One of his mates, however, was clearly simmering with rage and looked intent on punching my friend's head in. I successfully discouraged him from doing this, by means of disrupting the direction of the conversation and afterwards apologising on the friend's behalf. And also pleading clemency on account of age (the friend was in his 70s). I should have let the belligerent racist little bastard take a pasting - he resented my intervention and implied criticism of his behaviour anyway, and continued to behave like an arsehole on future occasions. He later stopped speaking to me just because I told him he was a UKIP-voting twat. Racists are very thin-skinned.
I'll suddenly turn right-wing & racist (it seems to be a thing
Ouch!Aspiring to become a superannuated old fossil?