No idea what the vote is for
Anyway - posted this on another thread recently seems worth putting it here as well
Anyway - I can't remember the exact details - but there was a documentary on the TV recently
a proper channel like BBC or Channle 4 or Sky - not something didgy
anyway - 2 well known chefs were on it including hugh fenley whatsit and - another one and they were part of a campaign to raise awareness and promote local produce and recuding polution and all that
Thay discovered that a proper full blone full researched report had been produced for the government by a proper government body made up of experts
It details, specifically and with time frames, exactly how this country (UK) can transition to Net Zero over a fairly short time.
The government know about this
It is also fully costed and shows - very clearly and without any contentious bits - that overall it would cost the country much less than things like drilling for more oil and digging more coal - and all that
it is possible and the plan exists
the government is totally ignoring it
in fact they are doing the exact opposite and making the plan more difficult to achieve
They ended up looking at the money flowing into the Tory party and gues who a lot of it comes from
and guess which type of company gives funds (all declared obviously (probably) ) "donates" to individual leading Tory politicians
Yup - the Oil companies
anyway - sorry for waffleing about it
just found the link - it was Channel 4