Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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I wasn't discussing diesel OR pallets!!
So, when claiming narratives like ''were all gonna die'' it's usefull to remind you of what happened 20 years ago. That you don't like to reminded of those lies is not my problem.

Mmmm....Chinese. Funny how all the Chinese EV's are much cheaper than those from elsewhere.
Is buying cheap Chinese EV's the way to save the planet?
I hope not.
Nope, but you know in the west we have something called ''regulations'' Chinenese manufacturers use their home country as testing playground without being limited by things like ''regulations'' and that saves a few bucks.

Essentially she's right.
Our generation will not make anything like near enough change to halt Climate change. It's our kids who will have to deal with the consequences and the consequences won't be pretty....
Yes, that what they are saying for the past 50 years, yet the best climate meausres yet, making sure and or recomminding less babies to be born doesn't really seem to work. and thus where fighting an timebomb which boils down to to many poeple.

Most of the EV platforms are from China, no matter what the bodywork and badge says.
That doesn't really say a lot within China they can freely steal designs but if they ship such a car to europe, to us etc. they wouldn't be able to market it. But Volvo (and parent companies) the remainders of Saab, Jaguar Land rover, parts of Renault/Nissan group are owned or have a substantial Chinese stakeholder. So they do have a foot in the door so to speak.


JSO set new record for baiting climate trolls in 1 tweet:




Well, that's a little simplistic. EVs by themselves won't save the planet, but will certainly help as part of the bigger picture. The more EVs there are, the fewer cars there are emitting greenhouse gasses. Governments can do their part be moving to renewables and nuclear and getting rid of gas burners. The used EV batteries can be used as part of battery stores to hold power that can be used instead of burning coal or gas when energy supplies are low. Additionally Governments can work together to share power as electricity can be transferred pretty quickly.

Not only that but the drive to lower the prices and improve range of EVs means that research is now being put into battery tech much as research as been put into oil refinement and engine design over the last 100 or so years. This means that over the next 10 years we should see batteries becoming smaller, lighter, able to hold more power and able to charge more quickly and safely whilst also moving away from use of rare earth minerals. This in turn will mean that batteries start to be used for other applications such as air travel and cruise ships. We can move electricity about far more easily than gas or oil and there is no risk of explosion or spillage into the sea.

So in the grand scheme of things, whilst it might seem like a "no" now, a country which rapidly moves to EVs instead of ICE can rapidly become incredibly eco friendly just by updating the power sources that generate electricity.
So in the grand scheme of things, whilst it might seem like a "no" now, a country which rapidly moves to EVs instead of ICE can rapidly become incredibly eco friendly just by updating the power sources that generate electricity.

Yeah, but it's a bit of a huurah story leaving out all the downsides and challenges. Just like the oil companies that are profiting from it.


Well-Known Member
Buying an EV rather than a traditional planet-slayer might cause slightly less harm to the environment, but it's still harm.
I agree. I find currenmt Gov.'s approach to climate very disappointing - they seem to be spending momney and effort of continuing "business as usual" ie enabling everything to continue as is. My view is that changes are needed in how we live. Of course we should be switching to renewable power generation but what Gov. are not doing is making effort to reduce our energy consuption and instead is putting money and effort into eg locking us into hydrocarbons for the long term eg carbon capture. But maybe not surprising when Gov. is not listening to anybody other than lobbyists with vested interests
UK’s £22bn carbon capture pledge follows surge in lobbying by fossil fuel industry, records show
Researchers, climate advocacy groups and local councils were less well represented, the transparency records showed. No individual organisation from these sectors has attended more than three meetings with ministers on carbon capture since the start of 2020.

Meanwhile, lobby group the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) – which represents dozens of fossil fuel companies – attended 20 meetings, and Equinor 16. BP, ExxonMobil, Scottish power company SSE, and Drax, a biomass power plant that is one of the UK’s biggest emitters, also attended nine meetings each during the same period.



Well-Known Member
I'm not a great fan of Carbon Capture on polluting power generation (just keeps us doing the same guilt free rather than us making the behaviour and building changes needed for a solution).

But it will be interesting to see what the UYK Gov. does about it's massive subsidies got Carbon Capture if/when the IPCC rules change to attribute Carbon Capture credits to the exporter rather than the importer - which would mean our subsidy for eg Drax would help the US and Canada towards their emission targets rather than our own targets ie we pay, they gain.

Difficult for the UK Gov. because morally we are the ones chosing to cut down the trees and burn the wood and release the CO2 so we should be the ones sorting doing it without pollution. But from a political perspective UK Gov. pays the money towards US & Canada meeting their emission targets.

UK gambling with climate targets over carbon capture, say campaigners
Potential IPCC rule changes could award planned carbon savings from burning US wood pellets to the exporter, not the importer

The UK government is gambling with its own climate targets on claims that the Drax power plant will create “negative emissions” because new rules could hand the carbon savings to the US, campaigners say.


Elder Goth
Having bemoaned the lack of investment in the Metro system here yesterday, this morning I saw one of the new carriages in the wild. They're long overdue for a variety of reasons, but they're teasingly close now!

View attachment 6841

Finally, today is the day I get on one of these, and it's a beauty. Unbelievably quiet and I love the design on the seats which is a nod to the map of the system.

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