@mudsticks Are you not a fan of poly tunnels? If so is it the poly aspect or the tunnel (closed system) that offends?
I am a big fan of polytunnels, in their place, to the extent that I've got three quite large ones, here to stretch out the growing season .
They allow reliable cropping of some heat loving Mediterranean type crops, in the summer.
- see avatar for further details 🍆
- just a few more weeks of them now -
And they're great for more tender salad greens, and other leaves in winter.
As with all these things though, it's a case of being a bit more measured about it all .
The scale on which it's done in some places and the amounts of polythene and chemicals used, and the way those materials are is disposed of at the end of its life,
that is the problem currently.
Parts of southern Europe are really blighted by it.
And the working conditions in some of those places can be pretty toxic.
We need to become more aware of what's going on there.
The expectation of the consumer / supermarket buyers, is that they should have access to all varieties of everything - all year round -.
So that other countries land and water and resources get exploited and polluted to feed our particular fancies,
that is the problem.
We just need to rein ourselves, and our expectations in a bit, if we're going to live within our means.
It's tricky because many people have come to expect the same things year round.
And we do want people eating more veg, but just more seasonal veg, perhaps .
Protected cropping in the form of polytunnels, or glasshouses, in this country can be a really valuable thing, for our diets definitely..
If we do it carefully, and if we take responsibility for the whole life cycle of all the materials used.
We probs need to have
more polytunnels here..sensitively sited ..
And we need to grow more of our own food in them.
Particularly more fresh stuff for our cities, bring back more commercial scale, peri urban food growing, even.
could contribute a lot, health-wise, environmentally and economically.
It all just needs a bit better long term planning, and support.
Making all that happen is the tricky part, of course..