I'm not saying that fusion will magically get us out of this hole. That's why I said we need to be doing all the boring things too. In fact, technological solutions aren't the answer - they can help but only go so far. As does insulation, and renewables, and less energy intensive agriculture. That's because the real problem lies in society. It lies in the fact that we expect - indeed demand - exponential growth, that we be wealthier tomorrow than we were today. No system, no matter how big, can sustain unlimited growth indefinitely. The long term survival of this civilisation we're in - perhaps even the medium term survival - requires us to turn our backs on the promise of even more jam tomorrow. But try telling people that they can't be better off tomorrow! No politician will ever say such truths: they'd be promptly voted out of office (or worse!). Those few in the green movement who openly say such things are widely derided, with the inevitable result that few will even acknowledge this.
This makes me pessimistic about the future. The longer we delay in the wholesale transformation of our social and above all economic systems the harder it will get - and the worse the inevitable crash will be when we finally breach a critical threshold, whether that be the destabilisation of polar methane hydrates or exhaustion of essential resources. But no one wants to listen, and putting solar panels on roofs or even building umpteen fantastic fusion power stations will at best put off that evil day.
"Those few in the green movement who openly say such things are widely derided, with the inevitable result that few will even acknowledge this."
Tell me about it .
Having been in the 'green movement' for decades I'm well aware of this problem of suggesting we have to limit growth, and the push back against it
However less or no growth of the capitalism variety , doesn't have to equate to unpleasant life.
If we stopped using ££ and competition and aggression based 'power' as a marker for success and instead concentrated on human wellbeing, and preserving the natural abundance of our resources we'd be ok.
But that didn't seem to be a popular model for some reason 🤔.
Even in what is a capitalism driven system which pushes back against such things, some, and now far more of us are managing to 'live differently'
Using far less resources to create lives and working environments that are far less exploitative.
Shame more didn't come on board earlier,
But yeah for years we've been derided as eco- hippy, social justice warrioring tree huggers.
As if those were bad things 🙄