I have just seen some news stating that producing snow for the Alps uses enough electricity to supply half a million households for a year.Just watching BBC News item on lack of snow in the Alps, yet another sign of Climate Change.
I am no expert in the technology, but, presumably, using energy to produce artificial snow isn't actually helpful in the long term (or even, the short term).
The nastiness shown to Greta by some was an own goal by the more extreme sceptics. I was appallad by it. They failed to realise she was brilliant propaganda on the part of the climate change lobby.Having said that you don't have to venture very far into the internet to find a whole phalynx of very very nasty people spouting much worse than that you've written above on the 20th anniversary of Gretas birth -
On the other hand it is hard to deny she was a precocious little madam, to quote my sister! Her use by adults backfired as far as I am concerned.
I have in my time read quite a bit of sceptical output and I don't think many would say the whole thing is a hoax. No-one seems to deny the planet is slowly warming. They do, however, question the reliability of computer models (too hot) and the amount of fear-mongering going on as though the world is about to end.And many many more still trying to make out that man made climate change is a hoax
Unlike some I have not forgotten climategate having read a large number of e-mails clearly showing group-think and silencing of dissenting opinions. When Anthony Watts first published them I think he showed some integrity in not reading everything automatically in the worst possible light.