Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Master of the Inane Comment
Just watching BBC News item on lack of snow in the Alps, yet another sign of Climate Change.

I am no expert in the technology, but, presumably, using energy to produce artificial snow isn't actually helpful in the long term (or even, the short term).
I have just seen some news stating that producing snow for the Alps uses enough electricity to supply half a million households for a year.
Having said that you don't have to venture very far into the internet to find a whole phalynx of very very nasty people spouting much worse than that you've written above on the 20th anniversary of Gretas birth -
The nastiness shown to Greta by some was an own goal by the more extreme sceptics. I was appallad by it. They failed to realise she was brilliant propaganda on the part of the climate change lobby.

On the other hand it is hard to deny she was a precocious little madam, to quote my sister! Her use by adults backfired as far as I am concerned.
And many many more still trying to make out that man made climate change is a hoax
I have in my time read quite a bit of sceptical output and I don't think many would say the whole thing is a hoax. No-one seems to deny the planet is slowly warming. They do, however, question the reliability of computer models (too hot) and the amount of fear-mongering going on as though the world is about to end.

Unlike some I have not forgotten climategate having read a large number of e-mails clearly showing group-think and silencing of dissenting opinions. When Anthony Watts first published them I think he showed some integrity in not reading everything automatically in the worst possible light.


Reading around the chip
precocious little madam

You misspelt 'intelligent young woman with an opinion.'

Unlike some I have not forgotten climategate

Wot Stowie said upthread.


You misspelt 'intelligent young woman with an opinion.'

Wot Stowie said upthread.

Is it ever a bad time for a word from Simone..??


Assuming of course that this 'quote' conveniently wheeled out behind the protective skirts of 'sis' is genuine. 🙄


On the other hand it is hard to deny she was a precocious little madam, to quote my sister! Her use by adults backfired as far as I am concerned.

Make your mind up Unkers which is it then? 'precocious' or 'puppet' ??

Couldn't just possibly be a young woman with a mind of her own, asking awkward questions after having learnt about climate change.

And persisting with her campaign, despite all the pushback.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Not exactly a terrible 'influence' on the 'youth of today' compared with most of the alternatives on offer.

Reiterates her message as well, which I think gets miscommunicated and misunderstood, often deliberately. She doesn't ask people to listen to her, she asks them to listen to the scientists. And when asked what people can do, she doesn't answer with minor individual lifestyle changes, she says to join her in activism.

She knows that a few people switching their lightbulbs and putting a bit of foil behind their radiators isn't going to make a difference and she's not putting that burden on individuals. She understands that change will come from putting pressure on governments and corporations.


Reiterates her message as well, which I think gets miscommunicated and misunderstood, often deliberately. She doesn't ask people to listen to her, she asks them to listen to the scientists. And when asked what people can do, she doesn't answer with minor individual lifestyle changes, she says to join her in activism.

She knows that a few people switching their lightbulbs and putting a bit of foil behind their radiators isn't going to make a difference and she's not putting that burden on individuals. She understands that change will come from putting pressure on governments and corporations.

Well yes that's why 'us lot' keep banging on about the need for system change, climate justice, and holding governments and big business to account.

As individuals we can't change much, even if we live the greenest lives imaginable, or model good practice on our agroecological farms, stop flying, or buy nicer washing powder, recycle etc etc.

But collectively, by applying pressure politically some things can change.

Although it is helpful to have people like Greta popping up now and then to inspire fresh interest, particularly amongst the youth, and to give the 'personality hungry' media something to report.
Although of course some section of same media (usually the populist wing) will try to deflect the focus onto something they can rubbish..
Like her appearance, delivery, or even the fact that she's got the cheek to be a young woman !!
See Unkers post for further details.. 🙄

She had the temerity to point out that the realities of climate science that she'd been taught, and read about, were being ignored by large chunks of government, and the oil corps etc, and also kept asking the very obvious, but awkward question.

"Why is so little being done about this ??"

She does one girl sit down protest about it, captures imagination of others, the rest is history.

But people will keep insisting she has 'handlers' or some such - the idea that a young woman could do this off her own bat ??

Absolutely unthinkable, to their tiny minds.

Perhaps her neurodivergence meant she could keep persisting, and not worry about whether or not she was presenting herself 'nicely' enough.?? I don't know.

I've seen so many guys (in particular) posting that meme of Gretas 'angry face' in some kind of sad attempt to discredit her - as if her being very frustrated about lack of action on climate change was laughable in some way.

It's utterly pathetic, I've seen grown men get more het up about their football team losing, or getting a scratch on their car.


She doesn't ask people to listen to her, she asks them to listen to the scientists.

It's ironic that despite this, (and being 15 when she first spoke in real-world public forums on this) she still knows the science better than the expert climate "sceptics" who have watched some random's Youtube channel!

(and then label GT as "a precocious madam" - tee-hee ... )


:laugh: Harsh-but-fair!
Rather mild judgement I'd say

You'll get blokes going on about women being 'over emotional' when they're often quite reasonably upset about actual harms being done to them, or others.

Same blokes out in the street fighting about a parking space, or getting drunk and angry about nowt, down the pub..

Perfectly normal 'masculine' behaviour.

The double standard
(when you start to look)
Is off of the scale..


Indeed. For those who haven't seen it, this is a fantastic extended interview of Greta by the comedian Russell Howard:


Nice, thanks. I've reached the 2nd
, very good so far. ( Frog-hats!!! )

Must be a lot of CGI done there, to hide her Dad holding the cue-cards in front of her, reminding her the details of her childhood selective mutism, stopping her texting her mates like a normal teenager when she should be focusing on THE CAMPAIGN. Perhaps he was hiding in that massive chair, prodding her? Or maybe it's all a deep fake? :-/


Master of the Inane Comment
You misspelt 'intelligent young woman with an opinion.'
How about white privileged Swedish feminist? If everyone else can be woke, then so can I ...

I'm afraid I have a certain antipathy to rich Westerners playing the victim card*, so the you stole my childhood didn't go down very well with me. If anyone stole her childhood it was those who instilled so much fear into her it made her ill. My initial reaction to the UN speech was she was being used and this was child abuse. I genuinely feared for her safety.

Some more recent footage of her imo showed the adulation has gone to her head and this is now an ego trip. Partly understandable, but I wasn't impressed.

* Think Harry and Meghan for a worse example of this.
Assuming of course that this 'quote' conveniently wheeled out behind the protective skirts of 'sis' is genuine.
The saying of my sister was authentic. She was no loss to the diplomatic corps so I asked her what she thought of Thunberg. She taught for 35 years in a school with excess numbers of special needs, so I was intrigued to see what effect Thunberg might have had. Not the desired outcome. The doomsday stuff was over the top. It was also not a very good tactic to insult those you are trying to win over to a change in course. How dare you!
See Unkers post for further details..
That is always excellent advice ... ^_^
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