Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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More than 70,000 delegates are expected ...

An Air Miles game.


An Air Miles game.

Globally, every year, as The CoP rolls around, grassroots, civil society groups, environmental NGO's and other genuinely concerned activists have this tussle of conscience.

Do we go to the CoP which is widely considered to be a kicking the can down the road exercise by vested interest and the already powerful.?
So at least there is a chance to challenge the main players face to face.
Zoom does not have the same effect, as being in a room with people sadly.

Do people go to make the case for reparations, to have a voice on the global stage.
To challenge the greenwashing, and the business of 'net' zero .

And also to get a chance to organise amongst these grassroots groups, to build solidarity..

Whilst taking any opportunity to lobby, get more publicity, to try to get some promises that real action will be taken.

Or do we boycott, in protest at the whole shebang which has not been living up to expectations.?

There's been a large block of boycotts this year
Not just because of the nonsense of having it in the UAE but also as a reaction to the genocide in Palestine.
War is so often tied to oil..

But who reports on these boycotts, who cares if we *don't* go??


Master of the Inane Comment
Do you think that's good or bad?
There was an element of tongue-in-cheek in mentioning this, but if you want to convince people there is a serious potential problem, then saying one thing and doing another is not the way to go about this. I know I've rabbited on about this a lot, but it almost seems universal that the loudest voices telling me to cut down my fossil fuel usage ignore their own usage.
But who reports on these boycotts, who cares if we *don't* go??
I wish to offer my heartiest congratulations on you not going to the conference. :smile:

I can actually see the need for some people to get together on this face to face, but not tens of thousands of hangers-on using millions of litres of aviation fuel in the process.


Legendary Member
There was an element of tongue-in-cheek in mentioning this, but if you want to convince people there is a serious potential problem, then saying one thing and doing another is not the way to go about this. I know I've rabbited on about this a lot, but it almost seems universal that the loudest voices telling me to cut down my fossil fuel usage ignore their own usage.

I wish to offer my heartiest congratulations on you not going to the conference. :smile:

I can actually see the need for some people to get together on this face to face, but not tens of thousands of hangers-on using millions of litres of aviation fuel in the process.

I can almost agree. The thing is, if this was the event that decided everything leading to guarantees of the protections we need, then possibly we could say it was worth it. Otherwise we are allowed to simply wring our hands and say 'but what can I do' while the UK legislates away the convention right to peaceful protest with the potential of ten years in jail for being a minor nuisance for pressing an important point.

Opinions will vary, especially if a certain gentleman in a cowboy hat reads this.


if you want to convince people there is a serious potential problem, then saying one thing and doing another is not the way to go about this. I know I've rabbited on about this a lot, but it almost seems universal that the loudest voices telling me to cut down my fossil fuel usage ignore their own usage.
Who are you addressing here? If it's world leaders, I suggest you let them know your displeasure. Here's a hint:
they aren't reading Cyclechat. You're gonna need a slightly more direct channel.

Or are you addressing Cyclechat NACA? Which of us is wasting this aviation fuel of which you speak?

p.s. what is Greta upto these days? Don't let COP28 talk distract you from your main hobby!!
p.s. what is Greta upto these days? Don't let COP28 talk distract you from your main hobby!!

Worth a repost.




I've said it many times before I know ..
But even after having spent decades at the environmentalism (not) coal face, nothing, but absolutely nothing would make me happier than to wake up tomorrow and discover that all this climate change stuff was a hoax.

I'd quite cheerfully wear a t-shirt saying

"Please feel free to point and endlessly laugh at me and my gullibility"

If the climate crisis could be proven to be a made up thing.

But sadly that day is not going to arrive.

There's no joy whatsoever in being 'right' and all this having come to pass as was predicted - by scientists 😳


Master of the Inane Comment
Who are you addressing here?
Environmental activists who are pretending to care for the planet.
Greta upto these days?
Keine Ahnung!
tbh I can't say I am bothered about what goes on in St Pauls.

I wouldn't mind visiting it again, as there is a eulogy to a man on one of the walls who not only had no human vices, but was the saintliest man to have ever adorned the planet, his praises very eloquently set forth for all to see. I'd like to copy it and have it used for my epitaph.


No. They care more than most, though it is fair to easy it fulfills an inner need.

Sadly, we fail to give a s-hit.
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