Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Another decent Pope.
'Pope Francis called for an end to coal, oil and gas as well as lifestyle changes '

'The Pope's statement criticised efforts to shift the blame for the ecological and climate crises to the poor and high birth rates.
He also singled out the biggest carbon emitting countries who "were responsible for a deeply troubling ecological debt". '


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Is there another sort, in your opinion?
It looks like your glorious leader can't make it to cop28

Shame really, I was looking forward to hearing his new approach to cutting world population by liberalising the catholic church stance on contraception.

Is Population Control in fashion again?


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
In fashion? Sounds like a facile dismissive interjection. Do you actually have something to say?

A simple enough question, I thought.

It has long been my view that population control was significant factor in the reduction of emissions / use of resources. It seems to me, no matter how "clean", and "efficient" we make our systems, manufacturing etc, we (as with any other animal) will consume resources, produce waste products, exhale CO2, etc. Therefore, reduction in numbers, even if living standards remained constant, would result in a reduction in emissions.


Simple, really? Your 'questions' tend to feel like they fall into the 'humour/wit attempt' category.

So as an actual question we head into complex territory.


Senior Member
Why bother using the term 'in fashion' then?
It seems we agree, more people wanting more stuff isn't sustainable.
Someone will pop up in a moment saying it's more complex than that - which of course it is. Or that world population in due to decline after 2086 - if we make it that far*.

* We meaning the human race, I'll be long gone by then.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Why bother using the term 'in fashion' then?
It seems we agree, more people wanting more stuff isn't sustainable.
Someone will pop up in a moment saying it's more complex than that - which of course it is. Or that world population in due to decline after 2086 - if we make it that far*.

* We meaning the human race, I'll be long gone by then.

Because, in recent years, I have observed that Population Control appears to get little traction in these discussions.

Even in this forum, if not this thread, mention of "population control" is typically brushed aside. Before you ask, no, I am not going to plough through the thread looking for examples to quote.

I even agree that the "problem" is more complex than simply population control, but, that is, in my view ONE of the areas which needs to be addressed.


Senior Member
Before you ask, no, I am not going to plough through the thread looking for examples to quote.
I'm not going to.


Master of the Inane Comment
Who are these people?? Are they just in your head?
I've said all this loads of times! The colleagues at work, the tens of thousands who go to the annual party each year to discuss the need to reduce fossil fuel usage - remember Copenhagen where private jets were used aplenty to get celebrities there and said jets had to be flown to other countries for the duration because of lack of space to park them. Piers Morgan versus Skeena Rathor who said a) our individual cabon footprint isn't the issue only b) to contradict this two minutes later that it does matter. If the co-founder of ER acts like this, do the members? Well yes, when part of Last Generation they go off to Bali on their hols and are defended in this because it was private and not LG business.

I'll add a new one. The Green minister of the Environment in a Green led govt in Baden-Württemberg was caught doing 177 kmh in a 123 kmh limit. Cars guzzle fuel at that speed. When I heard this I wondered if there is anyone who shouts their mouth off about the need to reduce fuel usage who actually does so.
It looks like your glorious leader can't make it to cop28
I'm not Catholic I'm afraid, I take about as much notice of him as any other foreign monarch.

I think he has more pressing problems to deal with at the moment.
Because, in recent years, I have observed that Population Control appears to get little traction in these discussions.
I believe at present Africa is the only continent that is being fruitful and multiplying. Everywhere else is below replacement level, in some cases seriously so. This will mean a decline in population in most of the world with the problem that that brings in terms of young carrying the old. It is probably easier to predict the actual difficulties the demographic time bomb will create than what might happen if the temperature continues to go up.


Senior Member
I'm not Catholic I'm afraid, I take about as much notice of him as any other foreign monarch
My apologies. I assumed you were due to your reference to a catholic jury and your stance on abortion.
Next you'll be telling me you support a woman's right to abortion and I've got that wrong as well.


Master of the Inane Comment
My apologies. I assumed you were due to your reference to a catholic jury and your stance on abortion.
No need to apologise. I think the Catholic Church as an institution lost the plot a very long time ago, but that said admire them for not caving in (until recently) on some moral issues, unlike a swathe of protestantism.

I might add that whilst failing to resist the temptation to rattle the cage of some Amercan evangelicals I was accused of being 'woke'.

Perhaps it's all in the eye of the beholder.
Next you'll be telling me you support a woman's right to abortion and I've got that wrong as well.
That will happen when someone mounts an argument that thou shalt not kill has been rescinded and/or that the unborn are not human beings with a right to life. To date that has not been done. Not entirely irrelevant to this thread inasmuch as abortion is contributing to the demographic time bomb that will make it harder for future generations to cope if only half of the predictions of doom prove true.
I blame India more than China in that China's pollution is our pollution, plus they are producing most of the goods that, only by miracle, can one day reduce it.
Climate Trace data also revealed that emissions from aviation have bounced back strongly since the Covid lockdowns: carbon from international flights rose by 74% between 2021 and 2022, and from domestic flights by 18% over the same period.

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