Excellent Interview

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Active Member
11:23 "We put forward some very popular policies....."

Er....not with the electorate.

Edit: Am I alone in finding his over-weening air of sanctimony a little hard to take?
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I don't doubt that personally Corbyn is sincerely anti-racist. Unfortunately he is happy to align himself with people who are very anti-Semitic. And he still can't bring himself to criticise Russia for invading Ukraine. Regardless of the policies the public had no confidence in him as a potential prime minister. Wonder if he will stand as an Independent at the next election.

Deleted member 49

11:23 "We put forward some very popular policies....."

Er....not with the electorate.

Edit: Am I alone in finding his over-weening air of sanctimony a little hard to take?
Labours economic policies were popular though.Brexit and himself weren't !
They couldn't attack the policies, so they attacked, ridiculed, smeared & lied about the man himself.
Irrelevant now I know...some of us never fell for this sh1t though.


Reading around the chip
Unfortunately he is happy to align himself with people who are very anti-Semitic. And he still can't bring himself to criticise Russia for invading Ukraine

None of this is true. You've been had, as Adam says. On the first point, you need to watch The Labour Files. On the second, Corbyn has been the most consistent critic of Putin and Russian oligarchy for decades, while the politicians you voted for were glad-handing him during his Chechen war or filling their coffers with oligarchs' cash. His latest crime under Starmer's insanely authoritarian regime is to be, like thousands of ordinary Labour members, critical of NATO.
I don't doubt that personally Corbyn is sincerely anti-racist. Unfortunately he is happy to align himself with people who are very anti-Semitic. And he still can't bring himself to criticise Russia for invading Ukraine. Regardless of the policies the public had no confidence in him as a potential prime minister. Wonder if he will stand as an Independent at the next election.

He’s been exonerated of the charge of anti-semitism via the Forde Report which, it’s interesting to note, has been met with complete silence from the Labour Party and all those that eviscerated Corbyn on a daily basis.

He was the one MP that pointed out the Russian influence on UK politics, via donations to the Tory Party, long before it became a serious issue. He has criticised Putin, Russia and the Ukraine war so what you posted is simply not true.

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elp18OvnNV0
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None of this is true. You've been had, as Adam says. On the first point, you need to watch The Labour Files. On the second, Corbyn has been the most consistent critic of Putin and Russian oligarchy for decades, while the politicians you voted for were glad-handing him during his Chechen war or filling their coffers with oligarchs' cash. His latest crime under Starmer's insanely authoritarian regime is to be, like thousands of ordinary Labour members, critical of NATO.

His stance on the Ukraine is that we should stop supplying weapons and Ukraine should negotiate peace with Putin. How on earth is that going to pan out? There is nothing to suggest Putin would withdraw from Ukraine if the fighting stopped. It would simply give Russia a protracted period in which to consolidate their land gains and make Ukraine's reassertion of its own borders near impossible.

He’s been exonerated of the charge of anti-semitism via the Forde Report which, it’s interesting to note, has been met with complete silence from the Labour Party and all those that eviscerated Corbyn on a daily basis.

I don't think Corbyn is an anti-Semite. He's happy to be closely aligned with those who are though. He's also happy to be on pro-Kremlin news channels like Russia Today.

All I can find is Corbyn saying there should be negotiation to end the war. Can you find me a quote where he says Putin should withdraw from Ukraine?


Active Member
His policies were popular. They still are. I suspect what irks you is that he's still here and still right about almost everything.

Being right is neither here nor there if you can't convince the electorate to put you in a position to implement your policies.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Being right is neither here nor there if you can't convince the electorate to put you in a position to implement your policies.

In the real world, outside those who unrealistically expect all politicians and politics, to be ideologically pure, and for the electorate to automatically see when they are, that is quite an important ability for a leader to have.


Reading around the chip
His stance on the Ukraine is that we should stop supplying weapons and Ukraine should negotiate peace with Putin. How on earth is that going to pan out? There is nothing to suggest Putin would withdraw from Ukraine if the fighting stopped. It would simply give Russia a protracted period in which to consolidate their land gains and make Ukraine's reassertion of its own borders near impossible.

I don't think Corbyn is an anti-Semite. He's happy to be closely aligned with those who are though. He's also happy to be on pro-Kremlin news channels like Russia Today.

All I can find is Corbyn saying there should be negotiation to end the war. Can you find me a quote where he says Putin should withdraw from Ukraine?

Is your Google broken?

View: https://twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/status/1499699236228808710?s=20&t=sND4rSIQYN_OxyBhU6015g

Have you ever thought about just admitting your error and apologising, instead of doubling down and continuing to make unsubstantiated accusations and vague insinuations about 'alignment'? Starmer is 'aligned' with some virulent anti-Arab racists like Tzipi Hotovely, and whilst I think it reflects badly on him, I don't hurl around bad-faith accusations about him being racist by association. I do think he should address the anti-Arab racism in the pro-Israel movement to which he belongs, and the racism against black and Muslim members perpetrated by his factional allies, though. But you never seem to want to talk about that, for some reason...
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