Farmers - a put upon minority or greedy gits - you decide.

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Tractor drivers, car drivers, both seem to be getting worse. I live in a rural area lots of farms and I can remember the time if they built up a bit of a tailback they would pull over and let it pass, very rarely do I see that now. As for car drivers when did they start driving between 40-50 mph on the parts where you can't overtake all be it you could easily and safely do the speed limit then speed up the minute the road is clear and you could easily and safely overtake.


Active Member
Tractor drivers, car drivers, both seem to be getting worse. I live in a rural area lots of farms and I can remember the time if they built up a bit of a tailback they would pull over and let it pass, very rarely do I see that now.
Well, no: there are now few gaps in the traffic for them to rejoin and almost no one lets them out otherwise. Meanwhile, a lot of these tractors are now gps tracked and tightly timetabled, so if they spend fifteen minutes stuck in a lay by the boss will have questions.

As for car drivers when did they start driving between 40-50 mph on the parts where you can't overtake all be it you could easily and safely do the speed limit then speed up the minute the road is clear and you could easily and safely overtake.
Let me guess: is the bit where it's not safe to overtake perhaps a bit with blind bends where people should be driving a little more slowly because they can't see the full distance ahead, including some idiot trying to overtake into a blind bend coming the other way? I know people used to drive on the limit into blind bends, but it was never a good idea.


Well, no: there are now few gaps in the traffic for them to rejoin and almost no one lets them out otherwise. Meanwhile, a lot of these tractors are now gps tracked and tightly timetabled, so if they spend fifteen minutes stuck in a lay by the boss will have questions.

Let me guess: is the bit where it's not safe to overtake perhaps a bit with blind bends where people should be driving a little more slowly because they can't see the full distance ahead, including some idiot trying to overtake into a blind bend coming the other way? I know people used to drive on the limit into blind bends, but it was never a good idea.

No like I said rural and low density and apart from the line of cars stuck behind the tractor not much else on the road.

And again no long straight sections, traffic on the opposite side 40-50 mph long straight sections no traffic on the opposite side 60+ mph.


The farmers are threatening to go on strike. What ever that means, as they are self employed.
Quite which side of the argument the likes of the Daily Mail will fall is yet to be seen. But surely they can’t condone unionised strikes. I bet there is some mental gymnastics going on trying to work it out.
All I can think of is that they might delay the availability/delivery of certain produce, but they'd have to be careful it doesn't spoil or the buyer doesn't fine them for not delivering their quota. I can see it now, all the supermarkets hiking brussel sprouts up 300% stating "supply shortages"


Well-Known Member
All I can think of is that they might delay the availability/delivery of certain produce, but they'd have to be careful it doesn't spoil or the buyer doesn't fine them for not delivering their quota....
And the supermarkets start sourcing from overseas and then discover it's cheaper getting it from overseas ...

Challenge will be eg Framer growing Red Cabbage goes on strike and Tesco run out of red cabbage. Shoppers won't go hungry but will buy some other veg (maybe imported). Then suddenly when strike is over there is too much red cabbage on the market so price falls to persuade shoppers to buy overstocked cabbage shelves, farmers demand more money from supermarkets for produce they don't need so have to sell below cost ... and now a new lower price for Red Cabbage has been established ...


Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
The farmers are threatening to go on strike. What ever that means, as they are self employed.
Quite which side of the argument the likes of the Daily Mail will fall is yet to be seen. But surely they can’t condone unionised strikes. I bet there is some mental gymnastics going on trying to work it out.

Farmers seem to have a natural talent for shooting themselves in the foot....

Ian H

Legendary Member
Farmers seem to have a natural talent for shooting themselves in the foot....

More frequently it's having their arms torn off in balers.


Senior Member
Regardless of which group you may, or may not, support, interesting that there does not appear to have been any arrests in the Farmers protests, unlike, Just Stop Oil protests when they block roads.
Difference, working strong men V entitled north London luvvies.

And whos going to move their 8 ton vehicles
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