Gender again. Sorry!

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Goes against what Navratilova posted The other day about the males in cyclo-cross.

It's not about trans being in elite events, the elite discussion is to highlight the actual physical differences between male and female. These differences are present further down the rankings right back to school kids. After puberty kicks in the differences appear in abilities.

So if a promising youngster is knocked down a place or two, this can have all sorts of what look like tiny impacts on the kids sporting future. The ramifications could be missed scholarships, sponsorship, competing into the next level whether that be regional, national or international.

Males should not be allowed in the women's divisions. They can quite happily compete in the men's open class. Now if it's about winning, they should train harder and not try and use unfair biological advantage of being a male over women.

Girls have particularly hard time adopting sports in school, to undermine their early achievements is beyond a joke
And for boys it's later than girls, is it not?

Sports in schools is seen as a non starter. With many schools dropping even PE lessons.
What you need to realise is that the move up to secondary school is that taking part in sports is seen as something that is for geeks. Peer pressure in schools has a greater impact on kids not wanting to follow/partake in sports. Who's placing this peer pressure on others to fit in with the rest?

It's a case of getting their interest in sport back to a level where the want to take part exceeds the peer pressure to not taking part.


Elder Goth
And for boys it's later than girls, is it not?

Sports in schools is seen as a non starter. With many schools dropping even PE lessons.
What you need to realise is that the move up to secondary school is that taking part in sports is seen as something that is for geeks. Peer pressure in schools has a greater impact on kids not wanting to follow/partake in sports. Who's placing this peer pressure on others to fit in with the rest?

It's a case of getting their interest in sport back to a level where the want to take part exceeds the peer pressure to not taking part.

I think a lot of that depends on the secondary school you went to. I was a bit of a weirdo at the two I attended as a nerd who was good at sport!

Deleted member 159

And for boys it's later than girls, is it not?

Sports in schools is seen as a non starter. With many schools dropping even PE lessons.
What you need to realise is that the move up to secondary school is that taking part in sports is seen as something that is for geeks. Peer pressure in schools has a greater impact on kids not wanting to follow/partake in sports. Who's placing this peer pressure on others to fit in with the rest?

It's a case of getting their interest in sport back to a level where the want to take part exceeds the peer pressure to not taking part.

The national curriculum requires at least 2 hours of PE per week. There is nothing geeky about sport. Given the massive obesity problem already ruining adults and children's quality of life, more sport should be added into the school week. By making PE compulsory for 2 hours a week actually makes it inclusive for everyone even those shy or less fit than class mates.

My daughter who is far less interested in sport than my other kids, we took her to martial arts training, which she was extremely reluctant, embarrassed to go to initially.

18 months on, she is taking another level belt, always comes home with a enthusiastic attitude telling me about the moves and exercises she's been doing. She goes twice a week now for martial arts

She's done her bronze DofE, planning her routine to get fitter for Silver to carry the pack and extra distance for this summer.

We dismissed her initial comments about not liking sport and her friends saying it was not cool.

Most of her friends are fat and unfit, don't even walk to school, though being within a mile of it.

What it has done is teased one of her friends who never did any sport into doing the evening martial arts with her.

Exercise has so many benefits and those who lack a bit of confidence need to be encouraged



So what you want people to believe is, that the article was copied from Medium, a place you say it can no longer be found, modified with a new false heading, references to dates modified, and then posted here; all within one minute of the demand by CXRandy to post the email?

This on the basis that you say that you couldn't find references to 'This Is Not a Drill' by Kathleen Stock on Twitter.

ahem ...

In her tweet, Rowling cites Kathleen Stock’s article, “This Is Not A Drill”, which was published on Medium in response to the Forstater judgment. The article calls on UK Philosophers (of which Stock is one) to demonstrate their academic integrity by standing up for freedom of belief:

I'll thank you for the due apology.

Edit to add: incidentally I've found out that Stock was removed from Medium for breaching their community standards.
The only bit I was wrong about was the 'This is not a drill' heading. It wasn't a letter sent by email to individual academics as you claimed. There was no 'We rejected it' as you claimed because it was simply an article. The letter you said was a response to it was written 2 years later, not in direct response as you claimed.
You could apologise for lying but I won't even bother suggesting it.


The only bit I was wrong about was the 'This is not a drill' heading. It wasn't a letter sent by email to individual academics as you claimed. There was no 'We rejected it' as you claimed because it was simply an article. The letter you said was a response to it was written 2 years later, not in direct response as you claimed.
You could apologise for lying but I won't even bother suggesting it.

Evidence? Proof before making allegation of lying required?

If it wasn't on Medium, where did I conjure it up from out of thin air in less that one minute. It is in my INBOX sent by Stock on the evening of 18th December 2019.

If you look at the content of Medium, the text is always justified to the left margin. If you look at the copy of the email, you will see that the text is centred.

As ever Aurora, when you are given evidence you that you don't approve of, you look for every available avenue to either discredit the evidence, the author of the evidence, or as in this case, the person who puts the evidence before you.

CXRandy was another doubter. He demanded evidence of the existence of the email by posting it. This was done within one minute of the demand. There was no time for me to scratch around looking in other places.

The heading was not added by me - though I had admitted that I had not remembered the title correctly earlier on. It gave you a second opportunity to find it. Neither was the date different from what I had said.

You also claimed there was no reference to it on Twitter; however there was - from Rowling, Forstater and possibly others.

I did not receive an email with a link to the Medium article, and if I had I would not have been able to access it.

There is no reason to suppose that in my professional life that I could not have received that email from Stock.

You've undone yourself.
I said there was no mention of it being sent to other academics as an email, which is what you claimed. You'd think all those pro trans academics would be all over having received it from her. Rowling referenced it as being on Medium, because that's where it's from. I find it hard to believe you are in Kathleen Stock's Contacts and it's not that easy to be given access to huge databases of email addresses to send things to people you don't know. There's only your word you received the text as a letter on the 18th.

I'm going to write this off as your usual unevidenced attempt to denigrate people, though K Stock, actual woman, actual lesbian, does seem to rile you more than most.

Anyway, good news this week in that Dr Laura Favaro will be having some of her research released to her, with the rest to follow.
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I said there was no mention of it being sent to other academics as an email, which is what you claimed. You'd think all those pro trans academics would be all over having received it from her. Rowling referenced it as being on Medium, because that's where it's from. I find it hard to believe you are in Kathleen Stock's Contacts and it's not that easy to be given access to huge databases of email addresses to send things to people you don't know. There's only your word you received the text as a letter on the 18th.

I'm going to write this off as your usual unevidenced attempt to denigrate people, though K Stock, actual woman, actual lesbian, does seem to rile you more than most.

Anyway, good news this week in that Dr Laura Favaro will be having some of her research released to her, with the rest to follow.

Yeh that must have been it, except that it isn't what the record shows. I also am an actual woman and actual lesbian, so that point is moot.

Deleted member 159

Given the recent unproven K Stock email debacle, I'm beginning to doubts of your identity and orientation



Given the recent unproven K Stock email debacle, I'm beginning to doubts of your identity and orientation


Aurora and yourself have lost the arguments. I showed that the lead author of the Swedish Study had said that her work had been mischaracterised by Stock and others - even though the two of you had said I wouldn't be able to.

I said that I'd had an email from Stock. The two of you tried to say this was false. Within one minute of your demand, I copied the email in full and published it. Still you were not satisfied and made further demands. After Stock was given the OBE, the academic community struck back when 600 or so academics rebuked her for lying to the British government, for stirring up hatred agaonst a marginalised community, and acting unprofessionally. These are the facts.

Aurora tried to further her pitch with more accusations. But you the two of you lost the argument didn't you. Now you both are undone, exposed and pathetic.

So what follows now, further attempts to smear my character. You've tried before of course when you lost the argument, with your personal statements that I surely live in squalor in a small flat without two pennies to rub together. I don't claim to be rich, but I have an adequate house and adequate means to support myself. I don't feel the need to be boastful.

The line of argument the two of you have pursued means you have brought this upon yourselves. You are exposed as a pair of frauds.
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I showed that ... TLDR
You've shown nothing of the sort. Good job this is a single-figure-posters bike forum where all these fibs go unnoticed.

I've never seen anybody suggest you live in squalor btw. You're on a teacher's pension I assume. The teachers pension scheme is very generous compared to most so I expect you're on a very comfortable income compared to most of the retired population. 'You live in a small flat' is really the paper cut of personal abuse compared to what you've said about people on here.
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