The Goodwin judgement said nothing of the sort. It acknowledged that doctors accept gender incongruance as a condition and that in effect credit should be given for undertaking genital removal surgery. They made no finding that gender identity is real other than using the term 'the gender they perceive they belong'.
The judgement is online.
I know it's on-line, the link had already been posted. Brainless wasp!
From the Goodwin text I posted, see the bold bits idiot ...
100. It is true that the first sentence refers in express terms to the right of a man and woman to marry. The Court is not persuaded that at the date of this case it can still be assumed that these terms must refer to a determination of gender by purely biological criteria (as held by Ormrod J. in the case of Corbett v. Corbett, paragraph 21 above). There have been major social changes in the institution of marriage since the adoption of the Convention as well as dramatic changes brought about by developments in medicine and science in the field of transsexuality. The Court has found above, under Article 8 of the Convention, that a test of congruent biological factors can no longer be decisive in denying legal recognition to the change of gender of a post-operative transsexual. There are other important factors – the acceptance of the condition of gender identity disorder by the medical professions and health authorities within Contracting States, the provision of treatment including surgery to assimilate the individual as closely as possible to the gender in which they perceive that they properly belong and the assumption by the transsexual of the social role of the assigned gender. The Court would also note that Article 9 of the recently adopted Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union departs, no doubt deliberately, from the wording of Article 12 of the Convention in removing the reference to men and women (see paragraph 58 above).
Get it? They were not persuaded that biological criteria is sufficient to determine a persons's sex. They were inclined instead to consider social changes and other developments in medicine etc.
This after you blathering on endlessly about only biological sex matters, nothing else. Then after IanH posts stuff related to social development you seize on that and take a false reading (as usual).
You really do know how to embarrass yourself. However I've no doubt you'll return with more inventions either of your own or parroting the feminazi.
Let's face it, N dismantled your arguments with ease the other day.
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