Gordon Brown 2. The Proper Thread

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Trust me, I've been tempted to get big red out and mark his work but life's too short. Instead he criticizes my use of English. :laugh:

cause your english is farking shoot.......shove the big red pen up your farking arse

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
Trust me, I've been tempted to get big red out and mark his work but life's too short. Instead he criticizes my use of English. :laugh:

It's the relentless inability to use an ellipsis that really does my head in.

Every single bleedin' post...

All uphill

Well-Known Member
Genuinely, I have no idea why you have decided to pick me up on this post. You said they have points to make, I replied that is because they can say what they like as they no longer have the responsibility for the outcome of their views.

Why is that at all controversial?

You've quoted the first para of your post and conveniently left out the second.

It may surprise you that I agree we should remember former politician's actions when they speak up now, but that we should also recognise that some of them have gained experience and even wisdom along the way.

I'm stopping here; life is to short to be dealing with people who want a scrap.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
You've quoted the first para of your post and conveniently left out the second.

It may surprise you that I agree we should remember former politician's actions when they speak up now, but that we should also recognise that some of them have gained experience and even wisdom along the way.

I'm stopping here; life is to short to be dealing with people who want a scrap.

Sorry, I should have been more judicious with my picking your quotes. I did not mean to misrepresent your post.
so So you think the CURRENT government have not done anything to help, which is what cookiemonster raving looney is suggesting???
What was asked for you to present your "factually correct" version. Not speculate on others.
"How about we get to see your "factually correct" version. I'll not be googling/researching as I want to see your version, not my googled/researched version."


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
What was asked for you to present your "factually correct" version. Not speculate on others.
"How about we get to see your "factually correct" version. I'll not be googling/researching as I want to see your version, not my googled/researched version."

i'm not specualting on anything. Cookie raving looney stated the CURRENT government have done nothing to help its citizens in the current cost of living crisis, which is factually incorrect. They have and you know they have, i dont need to provide anything to back that up, unless you've been living under a rock, but i will list some examples below.

Band D and below council tax bands recieved the £150 , £400 energy relief as a credit on your account starting in october, low earners, people on tax or pension credits are recieving an extra £650, in two different payments to help with the burden of the cost of living. People on disabality paymments or PIP will recieve an extra £150 in october.

Welsh Government have also provided additional help to its citizens during the crisis too.

Yes i agree that is totally unacceptable and more should be done to help, but stating nothing has been done is FACTUALLY WRONG.

But cookie raving looney doesnt live in the UK, he lives in hong kong and pays income tax in hong kong and not the UK. So his fascination with what the UK government is doing is farcical. I believe he should concentrate on what the hong kong government is doing to help its citizens and will hopefully provide better english teachers than the ones currently on offer to the country.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Let's do this again shall we?

We have, at least, one politician with a moral compass and he's the only senior politician speaking out publicly about the current financial mess the UK's in. I'm surprised that no-one has started a thread about this.

He carried out a study which has noted that by October, 50% of children (7 million kids) will be living in households that have to do without material necessities. By January, 39 million people could be fuel poor, those that spend more than 10% of their income on energy bills. In his home area of Fife, he's seeing levels of poverty that haven't been witnessed since the 30s. Youngsters going to school on empty stomachs and/or unsuitable shoes and nurses queueing at food banks.

However, this is the zinger for me. Warmbanks. This is something I heard about last week, the Mayor of Bristol and Aberdeen Council are planning these. Other areas of the UK are planning the same. Places for people to go if their homes get too cold. That is just astonishing! In fact, simply horrifying!

GB says, correctly, that the line of defence should be the welfare state. After all, that's what it was set up for, not food banks or warmbanks. In Fife, there are not just warmbanks and foodbanks, but a bedding bank, a clothes bank, a baby bank, a hygiene bank and a toiletries bank. I'm sure that'll be repeated in other areas of the UK. This is what's supposed to be the 5th richest nation on earth. Although, I think we may've dropped down that ranking now.

Before anyone starts screaming about Iraq or selling the gold, which is a usual whataboutery, just ask yourself one question. Was your day to day life better under Prime Minister Gordon Brown or now?

All this is going on while Sunak and Truss talk about the cost of ear rings and cutlery, and BJ is taking a holiday, presumably paid by someone who'll get a peerage, from cosplaying various roles. GB hasn't been PM for 12 years and he has better, and more workable ideas, than his party leader (who is also posted missing) and the people who are actually supposed to be in charge.

The world is looking on at this with utter astonishment.


No. For me, Prudent Gordon was a disaster.
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