Incredibly brave young women in Iran...

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Rusty Nails

Country Member
It is widely reported in the press and on TV. What they are doing takes real courage.

But you are right, it does not seem to attract any attention here, a bit like other atrocities around the world such as the Uighurs.

Move on, nothing to see here, let's get back to those evil Tories and our own domestic problems, which are much worse than in all other countries.
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Move on, nothing to see here, let's get back to those evil Tories and our own domestic problems, which are much worse than in all other countries.

I think that’s a little unfair. Apart from (I assume total) solidarity and admiration, what can usefully be said on these pages? With domestic politics there’s at least some debate to be had about beliefs, priorities, and strategies.

Talking of which, here’s a link between Iran and an evil (now suspended) Tory.



It is widely reported in the press and on TV. What they are doing takes real courage.

But you are right, it does not seem to attract any attention here, a bit like other atrocities around the world such as the Uighurs.

Move on, nothing to see here, let's get back to those evil Tories and our own domestic problems, which are much worse than in all other countries.

I thought this place was supposed to be for discussion of politics and current affairs both at home and abroad.

It's possible to be concerned about many things at once.
It doesn't have to be either or, it's not about drawing up a hierachy of suffering

Yes the Tories are particularly awful right now.
And yes that needs pointing out.

But we can still give a shoot about atrocities elsewhere too.

Particularly yet more oppression of women.

Things seem to be going backwards , not forwards in that respect, and not just in particularly repressive places like Iran .


I think that’s a little unfair. Apart from (I assume total) solidarity and admiration, what can usefully be said on these pages? With domestic politics there’s at least some debate to be had about beliefs, priorities, and strategies.

Talking of which, here’s a link between Iran and an evil (now suspended) Tory.


Uggghh :sad: They really are showing their true colours aren't they.. ??

However, even overtly expressing solidarity and admiration for these women would be a start, it might not count for much but it's better than nothing.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
I think that’s a little unfair. Apart from (I assume total) solidarity and admiration, what can usefully be said on these pages? With domestic politics there’s at least some debate to be had about beliefs, priorities, and strategies.

Do you believe what is going on in Iran is nothing to do with the beliefs and priorities of that country, which is run on religious grounds, and how those beliefs and priorities come at great cost to those of women, and many men, in that country
Do you believe what is going on in Iran is nothing to do with the beliefs and priorities of that country, which is run on religious grounds, and how those beliefs and priorities come at great cost to those of women, and many men, in that country

I think it has everything to do with the conflict between the beliefs and priorities of the rulers and of the people. My point is that there is no meaningful debate to be hade here on a U.K. forum about the rights and wrongs, hence few posts.


Über Member
I think it has everything to do with the conflict between the beliefs and priorities of the rulers and of the people. My point is that there is no meaningful debate to be hade here on a U.K. forum about the rights and wrongs, hence few posts.

My wife is Iranian, so we are following this closely. It is true that nothing said in the UK in general will have much, if any, influence on the situation there, but talking about it and keeping it in the public eye, shows those people giving the finger to the mullahs that they are not alone.



My wife is Iranian, so we are following this closely. It is true that nothing said in the UK in general will have much, if any, influence on the situation there, but talking about it and keeping it in the public eye, shows those people giving the finger to the mullahs that they are not alone.

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There are few suggestions here of actions that could help, even in some small way .
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
I think it has everything to do with the conflict between the beliefs and priorities of the rulers and of the people. My point is that there is no meaningful debate to be hade here on a U.K. forum about the rights and wrongs, hence few posts.

What is a meaningful debate?

Does a debate have no meaning because we have no direct say in what goes on? In that case can there be meaningful debate about activities in Russia, USA, Israel etc?


Über Member
This is worth a watch for those who haven't seen it...


Shaparak's book, A Beginner's Guide to Acting English, has the story of how her dad had to make himself scarce from his office in Tehran as a mob whipped by the mullahs was baying for his blood.

If you get a chance, Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis is worth a read too.

I'll finish by leaving here a link to Shervin Hajiaghapour's Baraye (For)

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Ian H

Legendary Member
It's easy, from within our (relatively) liberal society in the Western world, to forget how different cultural norms are in most of the rest of the world. Or even to forget how recently it was that women's lives here were very different - my grandmother was born before women were allowed to vote, and my parents were born before equal suffrage (and those are just the headline inequalities). It's far too soon to take any of this for granted.
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