Epic Member
tHeY aRe A fAkE oPpOsItIoN. iT’s A oNe hOrSe rAcE. tHe gLoBaLiSt eLiTeS hAvE eVeRyThInG fIxEd. wE aRe dUmBeD dOwN sUpPoSeD tO bElIeVe wE aRe iN a dEmOcRaCy bUt iT's a tOtAlItArIaN sTaTe.
tHeY aRe A fAkE oPpOsItIoN. iT’s A oNe hOrSe rAcE. tHe gLoBaLiSt eLiTeS hAvE eVeRyThInG fIxEd. wE aRe dUmBeD dOwN sUpPoSeD tO bElIeVe wE aRe iN a dEmOcRaCy bUt iT's a tOtAlItArIaN sTaTe.
I wonder who's going to be tomorrow's top scab.
Just waiting for Shearer to step down and Shilton and Le Tissier to step in 🙄
Talking of Nazis, have we got any of the "man on the street" types here? You know, the sort of people who are anti-intellectual, and respond to emotive arguments
View attachment 3267
Talking of Nazis, have we got any of the "man on the street" types here? You know, the sort of people who are anti-intellectual, and respond to emotive arguments
View attachment 3267