Levelling up

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Elder Goth
This could have gone in any number of threads, but why not breathe a bit of life into this one.


"Levelling Up" has been thrown into a bin fire.

Thank. F*ck.

It won't sound like some kind of video game achievement any more.


Senior Member
Oi - I get something out of Levelling Up!!!!

I help people at a local library once a week - and it is all paid for by Levelling up

actually I am a Volunteer

so how that needs funding is a mystery

but it does come from the Levelling up "fund"

so how ar ethey going to not pay me if the fund is taken away?????

(OK OK OK - I know it need setting up and they have to pay someone to do that
and we did get a nice free lunch (!) a few weeks ago
but that isn;t as amusing!)
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