A lot of this is due to the US and the legacy of slavery. Terms like 'Master' come with much more baggage over there than they do in the UK and I can see why they might want to move away from their use. Language does evolve naturally, but if we are imposing changes, or even redefining words, that needs to be done with public concensus otherwise it becomes compelled speech.
I'm respectful of baggage, truly, and I don't like causing offence to people where serious shoot* has affected them or their families/ancestors.
But I'm also against compelled speech, banning words, thought-crimes etc. So I like to see balance.
Can we not openly condemn slavery - including fighting very real 21st century slavery - and still discuss a flippin' computer server without invisible meanings being conjured up?
*didn't realise we still had the filters over here :P
("server" - should we be wary of that? It's quite like slave, or servant ... )