More stuff here.
It is hard to say if it is old news, but the accusation of 'renting out a property' for gain looks very dodgy, plus NYMR have seemingly waited until the end of the 2023 season to further action things/muddy the waters.
And from above
'However, the volunteers staying overnight contributed to a ‘kitty’ fund for their own food and drink, as the station is not close to a shop. They denied that anyone had ever paid to use the building or stayed there as a holiday.
The volunteers also denied knowledge of an anonymous phone call in which someone threatened to ‘kneecap’ managers and also said they did not know who had damaged the locks or booklets. The poster was apparently defaced as a ‘joke’ several years ago during a Railway in Wartime event.
An independent group of shareholders submitted proof of ownership of the wagons stabled at Levisham, which were used for storage and workshop space. The group, Farworth Area Rolling Stock Team, complained that NYMR management had removed them to Pickering without notice during the investigation, despite them having been listed in railway stock books as being in the possession of the shareholders rather than the NYMR.'
So with a mass walkout at Lewvisham. And NYMR sort of stole the wagons.