when I was an IT specialist one of our programmers left a system handbook in one of the computer sites
teh computer room manager found it and decided to try out some of the commands
found that one of his problems was a load of files on the system that were not needed
he deleted a few under FILES that quite big and it caused no problems
(we did wonder why the warehouse had not received those orders?????)
so he carried on
found the root disk file
and this totally useless big file called "Z3EXECUTIVEL" - quite big and notthing like the normal application data file
deleted it and the system kept running just fine
took me bloody ages to find out why that system disk wouldn;t boot - after all it worked fine a while ago - and they rang me at about midnight
The dog was not happy
and has anyone here ever tried diagnosing a complex system problem over the phone with an operator having to type what you say using a phone that is 10 yards away from the terminal????
believe me - that is an experience
(even better when the phone next to a line printer and the operator is deaf
OH the things we had to do in the old days!!!