Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Amidst the chaos some good news just breaking as it appears that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been released from jail in Iran and is heading to a Tehran airport. Fingers crossed till it's confirmed that she's actually touched down somewhere safe.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Two released apparently. Also Anoosheh Ashoori who I'm not familiar with.


Great news.

Apparently Liz Truss can be thanked for getting this moving, according to the local Labour constituency MP.

So some good news for Liz.

Other suggestions are that Iran may be looking to open up oil markets again.
Great news.

Apparently Liz Truss can be thanked for getting this moving, according to the local Labour constituency MP.

So some good news for Liz.

Other suggestions are that Iran may be looking to open up oil markets again.

Yes, coincides with Russia getting the international cold shoulder so might well be Iran looking to take up the slack. All that aside, this is fantastic news for both families.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Liz is good on markets.
She's probably trying to flog some pork to the Iranians as we speak....
I was in the scouts in the 90s and one of our leaders was an NCO in the military police. He managed to get hold of a load of ration packs for us to use on our camping trips and hikes. He got hold of them because it was around the time of the Bosnian war, they had been destined for use by Bosnian Muslim refugees but had to be recalled because they contained, you guessed it, pork.


Although this is good news - if we had paid our £400M bill years ago she might not have been in the predicament in the first place. In addition, it might have helped if our PM did not throw her under a bus when he was Foreign Secretary.
Feels like a "Two Wrongs ... " kind of situation, in terms of international relations. Sure, £400m is no small sum: but taking hostages isn't a very civililsed way to collect debts.

A sad affair, good to see an end to it.👍

Rusty Nails

Country Member
The really sad and frustrating thing about all this is that they could have been freed a long time ago if we were going to pay the money we owed Iran.

Why wait so long? What has changed?


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
The really sad and frustrating thing about all this is that they could have been freed a long time ago if we were going to pay the money we owed Iran.

Why wait so long? What has changed?
Jeremy Hunt was on the radio suggesting that part of the reason was that banks didn't want to touch the money for fear of being blacklisted because of US sanctions.
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