Not Enough Support for Victims of Domestic Violence

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There does need to be more support for men who are in abusive relationships. Women are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of physical domestic violence though so equal provision of refuges, as this parent suggests, isn't realistic. Also, many women's dv refuges are run by volunteers and this doesn't seem to be an area in which men are interested in working and developing their own provision for their sex.

I looked that case up and it doesn't seem that there was ongoing physical abuse but
as always, better education of teenagers/young people about relationships is needed to prevent all abuse rather than society having to deal with the consequences.
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Ian H

Before I click - Is it a Mail or Sun link?
I suspect he's softening us up with obscured links to news sites, before hitting us unawares with some terrible scam that steals our identities, our money, and our children.


Reading around the chip
I suspect he's softening us up with obscured links to news sites, before hitting us unawares with some terrible scam that steals our identities, our money, and our children.

I don't have money or children. And Aurora claims not to have an identity. I'm not sure this is fruitful scamming ground.

Anyway, wot Aurora says - it's not a competition. Domestic abuse services were already inadequate, for women and for men, and Tory cuts to local authority funding are devastating them.

Ian H

I don't have money or children. And Aurora claims not to have an identity. I'm not sure this is fruitful scamming ground.

Anyway, wot Aurora says - it's not a competition. Domestic abuse services were already inadequate, for women and for men, and Tory cuts to local authority funding are devastating them.

True enough. It's going to get worse before it (perhaps) gets better. I could say a lot more.
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