Nearly forgot this one!
Unkers has some weird obsession ...
I have no known obsessions, weird or otherwise.
... with something he calls the 'Victim Blog Industry' (if I remember the phrase correctly).
Your memory has failed you. They are known as
survivor blogs. I have a problem with the term
survivor as in most cases it is a gross exaggeration.
... but I suspect it is not unconnected with organisations with a substantial stake in discrediting actual victims of abuse.
Your suspicion couldn't be further from the truth. There is an unusual amount of prejudice in that sentence.
Such blogs are usually run by women and are designed to expose malfeasance and abuse, both religious and secular. I have an interest in the religious side, two blogs both in America in my time.
What this has to do with Europe is that the Americans export so much of their errors, both secular and religious, to the rest of the world. I have seen the effect first hand of abuse in Europe from those who have drunk deeply from the wells of such American error, the damage, devastation might not be too strong a word.
Two such errors are the doctrine (heresy) of loving yourself, and men who have a sense of entitlement because they have been given 'authority'. The two together are particularly dangerous!
I fully support the aims of countering this at source, and providing a place for sharing and healing to occur (although I have to say the internet is not really the place for this). The theory is fine. Unfortunately, for every 20 genuine cases of abuse I reckon about 80 are nursing grievances, malcontents, eternal victims who have no intention of ever moving on. Those propagating such errors therefore see this and assume they have nothing to worry about, 'just a bunch of sob sisters', so the cycle carries on. Exaggerated claims and cases of self-pity on display are counterproductive to what otherwise is a very fine aim.