Salman Rushdie stabbed.

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It falls on Dutch to clarify if they wish, but I would say that what they said "Even if", not "Even though".

Yup- it was clearly a hypothetical statement. Stand down @AndyRM , you might find that Dutch is saying something quite reasonable :smile:
It's perfectly acceptable to say Rushdie's books are unreadable nonsense. It's a matter of opinion. Dutch was clearly saying that there is no justification for violence against authors, regardless of what they write. This constant picking apart of people's posts, or trying to cast people in the worst possible light, does absolutely nothing for the forum.


It's perfectly acceptable to say Rushdie's books are unreadable nonsense. It's a matter of opinion. Dutch was clearly saying that there is no justification for violence against authors, regardless of what they write. This constant picking apart of people's posts, or trying to cast people in the worst possible light, does absolutely nothing for the forum.

Strong agree. I did try to read the Satanic Verses, as did my BiL. Neither of us got through it. I found it impenetrable. I was quite young at the time - might have another go.

The point is that if you don't like what someone has written you are free to read something else. Similarly, the Pleasance banning Jerry Sadowitz is another attack on freedom of speech, and even worse, being cast by the Pleasance as not being about banning freedom of speech.
I did try one of Rushdie's books decade's ago. Couldn't get into it. They are magical realism, which isn't really my thing. Ditto Gabriel Garcia Marque's books - read the 2 famous ones and really couldn't see what the fuss was about.

Feel like giving Rusdie another go though. Always feel I've missed out but then find so many books are not as good as their hype. I think with some books age does matter. I possibly didn't have the patience when I was younger. Other authors on the 'Meh' pile for me are D H Lawrence, D M Thomas, and Anita Brookner. Can't believe Hotel du Lac won prizes.
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Do you feel like the gullible victim of a PR stunt?
Is multiple stab-wounds to the throat and eye the new way to win readers?
Death has always been great for business when it comes to artists, writers and musicians.
No such thing as bad publicity.


Elder Goth
Yup- it was clearly a hypothetical statement. Stand down @AndyRM , you might find that Dutch is saying something quite reasonable :smile:

I won't like. Rushdie is one of the finest authors of all time.

You might not like the style, but it's not unreadable nonsense.


I won't like. Rushdie is one of the finest authors of all time.
I'm not sure how you can measure that. Isn't it all dependent on what you like and what you want to read?
Many people regard Jane Austen as being one of the greatest authors of all time. I personally have no interest in reading Jane Austen.

I like reading genres that many turn their noses up at such as horror, sci-fi and fantasy. I started reading very early and always wanted to be taken to somewhere that wasn't *here*, wasn't *real*. Hence I love superheroes, alien planets, magic swords etc etc. I very rarely read any contemporary fiction. I do read non-fiction occasionally - biographies and travelogues but very rarely.


Elder Goth
I'm not sure how you can measure that. Isn't it all dependent on what you like and what you want to read?
Many people regard Jane Austen as being one of the greatest authors of all time. I personally have no interest in reading Jane Austen.

I like reading genres that many turn their noses up at such as horror, sci-fi and fantasy. I started reading very early and always wanted to be taken to somewhere that wasn't *here*, wasn't *real*. Hence I love superheroes, alien planets, magic swords etc etc. I very rarely read any contemporary fiction. I do read non-fiction occasionally - biographies and travelogues but very rarely.

Yeah that's a fair point.

I guess it's that I studied English literature, and I'm interested in it, so I don't think dismissing anything as 'unreadable nonsense' is particularly fair. Unless it's Jeffrey Archer.

As for measuring it? I don't think there's a real way to measure creativity. It's easy to be dismissive about it, and I'm guilty of that myself.

The creative world is a weird, nebulous and wonderful place. Always has been, always will be.


Elder Goth
It's perfectly acceptable to say Rushdie's books are unreadable nonsense. It's a matter of opinion. Dutch was clearly saying that there is no justification for violence against authors, regardless of what they write. This constant picking apart of people's posts, or trying to cast people in the worst possible light, does absolutely nothing for the forum.

You're right. Mea culpa.


I guess it's that I studied English literature, and I'm interested in it, so I don't think dismissing anything as 'unreadable nonsense' is particularly fair. Unless it's Jeffrey Archer.
This is why I found it interesting that my BiL also found it impenetrable. He has a degree in Fine Art and English Literature and reads very different books to me, but he also couldn't get through it.

There is plenty of unreadable nonsense out there (just try Amazon Kindle Unlimited for a sample) but whether a book is readable or not, and whether I like a book or not, I don't believe that it, or the author should be censored. If you don't like a book, read something else. Islamic Fatwahs are not the way forward for any society.


Elder Goth
This is why I found it interesting that my BiL also found it impenetrable. He has a degree in Fine Art and English Literature and reads very different books to me, but he also couldn't get through it.

There is plenty of unreadable nonsense out there (just try Amazon Kindle Unlimited for a sample) but whether a book is readable or not, and whether I like a book or not, I don't believe that it, or the author should be censored. If you don't like a book, read something else. Islamic Fatwahs are not the way forward for any society.

Everyone's into their own things I guess. It would be boring if we all liked the same stuff.

Fatwas are just unacceptable. But then that brings up another thing about censorship I suppose. Like, is it acceptable to censor someone's religion? It's their belief system, and shouldn't be taken away from them. But when it causes damage? That's not on.

Take no sh*t, do no harm. Pretty good ethos in general I reckon.
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