The Anglican church is split on this. Irreconcilably so imo and has been for a long time, and the primary issue is in the first instance the authority of scripture. When scripture goes against modern society, should you ditch it, especially when said modern society can no longer define what a word like woman means?
Why does the choice always seem to be between being 'progressive' and so-called homophobia? Adultery is a sin, but calling it so does not necessarily imply a hatred of those who have committed it. You may not agree with it, but from the scriptural Anglican point of view men who have sex with each other are alienating themselves from their creator, and therefore are not being loving.
If you take all the different types of religious expression in the world, monotheism, polytheism, panentheism etc. then either one of them is true and the others false, or all of them are false. If Christianity is true, the others are false, notwithstanding some doctrinal overlap some of the time.
That rules out promiscuous sex and abortion if you consider the unborn to be separately human, the acquistion of massive wealth regardless of the cost to others etc. etc. A non preoccupation with self, hardly something a mark of today's generation (self-esteem, self-love, self-actualisation, self fullfillment), although not unique to it of course.
And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.
And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
This will include hypocritical American TV evangelists.
Where does society get its morals? What does it base them on? Who gets to decide what is right and wrong, especially the issue Toksvig is criticising the Archbishop for?
Toksvig seems to agree with you here, but I would have thought the history of the 20th century alone would have made that more or less untenable. I do not subscribe to the view that no-one never does anything selfless or good, but the natural tendency is to be selfish and do wrong, and law is necessary to define and restrain this.
On my hols ATM, so shouldn't be here really, but I just thought that I should point out, that you appear to have misconstrued the principals of things like self esteem, self actualisation, self love, self fulfilment etc.
These pursuits, properly involve practicing self knowledge, and lead to the realisation that we as individuals, are in fact a part of a far greater whole, and also to the reality of our collective interdependence, and the need for positive, non harmful actions..
Not to a separation from society, or to greater selfishness in the wider world.
Having a philosophy such as this, tends to a more universal, joined up conciousness if you will, which in turn can lead to becoming a more positive, less harmful actor.
Not to a tendency to mean-spiritedness.
Conversely, hatred, greed, fear, and the type of 'self' loathing which often leads to a need for external validation, come about when 'self' knowledge, or even 'self' love is lacking.
These are psychological problems which in turn can lead to activities such as focussing on the acquisition of excess material wealth, or to putting others down, for an egotistical 'win'
These sorts of behaviours start to fall away with the development of greater 'self actualisation'..
Some people who practice these kinds of philosophies are of course religious believers too.
There are plenty of genuinely selfless and genuinely spiritual people who follow individual religions, whether Abrahamic, or other.
And of course millions of non religious people who behave positively in the world too,.
Sadly we also see there are far too many people who claim to follow these religions but who behave terribly towards others
Even misusing their religion as a reason to persecute others, and do real harm..
Such as persecuting, shunning, or making 'second class' those people who happen to be be LGBT+
This persecution of the 'other' is a terrible, mean spirited, unnecessarily, life and love defeating path to take..
As Sandi has laid out
It's a sign of anti-humanity to treat those people badly.
Just as denying women the right of ownership of their own body, and forcing them to continue with an unwanted pregnancy, when safe early termination is widely available. is not 'good' for humanity either.
But this does seem to be something that people with particular religious beliefs seem to want to do to others.
Religion is often used to 'excuse' bigotry, and persecution..
No idea what you mean by 'promiscuous' sex, but enjoying a healthy truly consensual sex life is a positive, life enhancing thing.
A society that promotes good sex and relationship education, and good universals sex and reproductive healthcare supports that.
Many.of the Scandinavian countries seem to have got this one fairly well sorted.
Maybe Sandi brought that sensible humane approach with her from Denmark.
(Btw, are
women having sex with each other, more or less alienated?? What's the Bible's position in on that?? )
Meanwhile people will still try to use their religious beliefs, dragged out selectively, from old tracts written selectively for and by the 'powers that were' at the time, to persecute, and put down, others who are doing no one, no harm .
Which is very sad.
Anyhoo up, you all seem to be getting on just splendidly in general, so my 'Friday thought for the day' is clearly unnecessary...
Keep up the good work all 😇