Neither had I until I was offered it with my flu jab last month. Mrs B was surprised too.An apres flu jab walk this morning. They offered me a pneumonia jab as well. I didn't know there was such a thing.
View attachment 2559
Neither had I until I was offered it with my flu jab last month. Mrs B was surprised too.
I had them both in the same arm, which was a mistake. - At least for about 72 hours or so.
An apres flu jab walk this morning. They offered me a pneumonia jab as well. I didn't know there was such a thing.
View attachment 2559
What?, no offer of a Shingles jab as well?, you have been short changed![]()
Perhaps I'm not old enough![]()
An apres flu jab walk this morning. They offered me a pneumonia jab as well. I didn't know there was such a thing.
View attachment 2559
When in Dessau....
That is splendid.
Stop wasting time and get to the Brauhaus: