Which he already said he is willing to do, yes, over the left is possible, but the left/Timmermans also already said it's not their preference, which makes sense as they where by far the least popular this elections.It is FAR from certain that Wilders will form a government. The centrist parties in NL have said he must drop his right wing policies if he is to go into coalition with them. The left/centrist parties can form a government without him. It's just that he, as the biggest party, gets the first bite of the cherry.
The positives, well why don't you get an train to Budel or Ter Apel (yes you spend more time getting to those villages then traveling from the UK to NL) and go tell them, but also ask to watch all the footage listen to them about why they introduced ''civilian patrols'' etc. etc.So instead of attacking the Tories from the right why don't Labour try telling us the positives of immigration.Take a look across the water to the recent riots in Dublin,a good read here I thought.Inequality and poverty feed the right,stop giving them the oxygen for it.
But the core off the issue is that these migrants known they have no viable change of getting asylum, but some countries like Marocco refuse to take them back, and as soon as they arrive in europe they have certain rights. In their position it's an very rewarding endavour. (especially opposed to the live they would have up there.
As long as there is no soluttion to this kind of issues the (far)right will continue to grow.
You can cast away it's voters as ''racist'' and the likes all you want, but all you do is the same as many left wing politicians allienate yourself from the people you said to represent.
It's not ''the right'' ''jumping'' into a gap, it's the left alienating themselves from it.