The rise of the far right. Argentina, Netherlands and more.

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What's going on?


The people have decided that they've had enough of European integration, immigration etc

They want change

The people have decided that they've had enough of European integration, immigration etc

They want change

It looks like a minority voted that way. Wilders did not win an outright majority. He will almost certainly have to moderate his ambition somewhat in order to form a workable coalition.
It looks like a minority voted that way. Wilders did not win an outright majority. He will almost certainly have to moderate his ambition somewhat in order to form a workable coalition.
The VVD (one of the big losers this elections) had 34 votes last election, Pvv now is predicted to have 35. An outright majority almost never happens.
To answer the question off ''what going on'' The sitting government started a war on farmers, hasn't solved a long running scandal which included parents being accused of being criminals if they claim certain child care allowances, in some cases their children have been take into cps. And many other issues.

Second, The pvda/Groenlinks was talking about forming an ''left block'' however time and time again sometimes very publicly it became apparently that idea was in the head of the few not the many of said parties. So that offcourse didn't really help.

Thirdly I have only seen parts of a few debates but if Wilders comes across of one of the most reasonables maybe there is one of your reasons.

This off course applies to he Netherlands i have no idea about Argentine or ''and more''
Isn't this a result of proportional representation? I don't know what model of PR the Dutch use but perhaps the up side will be that he won't have enough seats to do very much and will have his policies tempered by having to seek the support of other parties.

Argentina is PR for seats but direct election of the President. Wonder how the big hair guy they picked will pan out. Bit worrying.
All uphill

All uphill

Active Member
My answer to the question what is happening in NL is that a privileged, educated and wealthy minority in the west have tried to ignore people who have other ideas and concerns.

That's a risky strategy.

Wilders toned down his rhetoric for this election and it has paid off.


I read its 37 seats now
People are looking for easy answers to their problems - solve immigration and all will be well, more law and order, less lefty fag woke bleeding-heart liberalism etc. Easy messages to sell in a post truth world. If social media is anything to go buy, people will believe any old schtick these days. Keep people poor, downtrodden, and ill-educated, and you have a ready made audience for any Messiah....

Ian H

Polish friends of mine are crossing their fingers about the incoming government in Poland. There's quite a lot of damage to undo regarding judicial and media independence, and Duda remains president for the time being. But at least it's a move away from anti-democratic populism.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
My answer to the question what is happening in NL is that a privileged, educated and wealthy minority in the west have tried to ignore people who have other ideas and concerns.

That's a risky strategy.

Wilders toned down his rhetoric for this election and it has paid off.

Sounds a bit like the Brexit referendum.
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