This shows that measures are POSSIBLE, if only anyone wanted to make them work. No doubt there are devils in the detail, but no market is perfect, and no markets are purely "free" in the UK anyway ...
Meanwhile, my recently departed Uncle owned a "2nd home" in Cumbria for a while. Very nice location, we visited briefly once. He argued strongly that him+mates were only helping the local economy, as the flats they owned were built specifically for this purpose, and they always spend locally when they stay (it would be pretty miserable to not visit ANY pubs or restuarants!)
Allegedly 'free markets' in things such as accomodation, in which prices are held artificially higher by a deliberately created scarcity , cannot in any way shape or form be claimed to be 'free'.
Some sort of control and regulation is clearly needed, so that housing is far more about actually housing people.
And far less about profiteering.
Clearly the housing situation in this country is so far from this ideal, that it's hard to imagine we might claw our way back to anything like it.
But that's not to say we shouldn't try.
Nor that we shouldn't be aware of the inequities of the present system.
So much 'hidden' homelessness out here.
But it doesn't get spoken about very much.
Partly because many people are too 'proud' or feel they're not entitled to anything, or fearful they'll get chucked out of their 'unofficial' situation.
But also because people who try to make space, are technically speaking, outwith the current 'regulations' so we don't bring it to the attention of the LA either.