His account (ho-ho) is that he was only offered the Nat West account after he publicised his case.
It seems odd there should be any dispute here.
Well it's not beyond the bounds of reason.
"Mr Farage? Yes, ah good. I am calling as your account is falling well below our wealth threshold and I am afraid that unfortunately we will have to withdraw the facility. When you are able to set up a new account and have transferred your remaining funds, we will close it for you".
Some time later
"Mr Farage? Yes, Coutts again I'm afraid. I understand that there has been no progress in setting up a new account. I can offer to contact our owners, Natwest and set up an account for you there, if that would help - but we really do need to close this account. You have been aware for some time that you are not meeting out account criteria..."
Surely it should be routine for Coutts to politely offer to transfer any account which has fallen below the wealth bar to their owners NatWest.
It probably is. I suspect that they might let the account holder make their own arrangments first - as above.
It then emerges this might have something to do with the shady concept of the Politically Exposed Person, although Farage freely admits he currently doesn't have the money for a Coutts account.
No, it then emerges that Farage claims this is a conspiracy theory because Farage. He then makes claims all over social media and gets anyone still talking to him and in politics to stick their oar in.