On Times Radio on Friday, Chris Philp, a former immigration minister who was handed the policing brief in the most recent cabinet reshuffle, said: “If people choose to enter a country illegally, and unnecessarily, it is a bit, you know, it’s a bit of a cheek to then start complaining about the conditions when you’ve illegally entered a country without necessity …
“They don’t even have to come here, they were in France already and previously often passed through Belgium, Germany, and many other countries on the way.”
It’s typical Tory reiteration of various lies.
Even although they know the truth, they repeat these falsehoods at every opportunity to reinforce them in the minds of racists, bigots, and the wilfully ignorant. It’s the politics of division and hatred.
People like that, and their supporters, are not interested in the truth. They don’t want to be corrected. They don’t want to hear the reality. They want to set people against one another. They want to punch down on people who already are powerless, vulnerable and poor.
Those who repeat the same bilge, including on here, aren’t interested in learning how asylum actually works, if it goes against their prejudices and preconceptions. That’s why I gave up wasting my time trying and why I no longer get angry about the bollocks they come out with; it’s a waste of energy that can otherwise be directed in a positive way.
Instead, I‘ve found that the biggest ‘fark you’ I could deliver to this government and its supporters was to get involved with supporting asylum seekers and refugees where I live.
To that end, since I retired, I have been volunteering regularly at a local charity where we supply them with whatever they need: prams, clothes, period products, food, pots & pans, toys, books, etc. They can drop by any time and know they are in a safe space where they can relax for a bit and meet up with others, share food (free) and have a chat. There’s childcare for parents who need a few hours’ break, a prayer room, even a classroom where children and adults are taught English.
The vast majority of volunteers are also refugees, giving back what they can in time or skill to contribute to the effort. The staff and those we help are the most wonderful people and it’s an absolute joy to be a tiny part it.
If you get the chance to do similar, I throughly recommend it. It beats the hell out of wasting energy on people who won’t listen anyway.