Whatever Happened to the Bermuda Triangle?

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Well-Known Member
It seems to have vanished without a trace.

You never hear of planes or ships vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle now. Did it exist or was it a myth?


New Member
It sank.


I suspect that reliability and meteorology have improved making incidents much less common.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it swallowed, also not heard of for a long time Erich Von Daniken, and in a strange twist of bullshittery, they disappeared up their own backsides.
I was well into all that stuff as a kid. Probably due to Arthur C Clarkes' World of Whatever It Was on tv. I think modern navigation systems and meteorology have dispelled the Bermuda Triangle myths, as Beebo says. The ghost thing seems as popular as ever though judging by the dozens of tv shows about them. Cheap tv I guess.


Elder Goth
Without all the facts available, who can say if it ever existed or continues to do so?
Round here we have the rhubarb triangle. Sadly no werewolf portal. Very much enjoying the cinematic renaissance of the horror film at the moment, and looking forward to The Wolfman and the new Nosferatu coming out.



It seems to have vanished without a trace.

You never hear of planes or ships vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle now. Did it exist or was it a myth?

Spookily enough I was thinking the same thing a few weeks ago, maybe try and see it from my angle.
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