I think this is a grey area. If someone tells me (or anyone else) to fark off, I can ignore it. If someone posts comments that reveal them to be racist, I can be happy for that to stand so that everyone can see their thought processes exposed. But if someone picks on another member because of their expressed gender identity and insults them over it, or if someone uses racist epithets, then the ground shifts a bit - by continuing to post on this forum, am I not implicitly giving endorsement to an arena in which those behaviours are accepted?
I don't really believe they are 'accepted' though are they.??
I'd just say point it out, and pull em up on it , and carry on.
I get the feeling that those offending
either live in very narrow worlds, where that sort of talk is acceptable in their group of 'mates' and so think it's acceptable here, there, and
i.e. they're basically just socially naïve or inept.
Or else they're
deliberately doing it to get a rise..
Some kind of 'thrill' from being
supposedly transgressive.
Willy waving trolls basically.
Either way.
Point it out, move on, don't make too much of a fuss,
I hope that anyone who does feel they've been the victim of such an attack does know they're supported, by the majority.
At the same time I think it's quite good to get dodgy attitudes out in the open, and shown up for what they are..
Also at the same time, this isn't cleaning out the chicken howse is it..