It looks to me like a bit of a pile-on by the blokes in this thread.
Well what do you expect Ian .??
We've given our perspective on it all, as mere women..
Owners of breasts, and bras most likely too .
Having lived a lifetime of the often incredibly irritating, childish, but also at the same time hyper sexualised cultural 'baggage' projected onto our breasts, and anything related to them.
But no, our perspective on the crass comments, made for a cheap laugh, by someone who could and should do better, needs to be shushed up, deflected from, or deconstructed by those who know better,
But who also at the same time, have literally no skin in the game.
Because of course underwear, and tit jokes are a sacrosanct part of freeze peach, and essential to our fantastic British 'Carry On Culture'
So we as women must always laugh along, or else risk being seen as having that most terrible of character defects..
humourlessness .. .
Far more important than
"Looking at what we can do differently, and how can we change how we converse, to help make women feel more at ease in the world"
All that, would be waayyy too much trouble... 👍🏼