Kellys mål var väldigt bra....
Kelly's Heroes is the obvious one but it's a bit hackneyed and I feel it doesn't quite capture the whole experience.
Kellys mål var väldigt bra....
Nobody suggested banning anything..
Stop claiming you or anyone else is some kind of repressed victim of censorship, in all this..
People are just asking, and expecting a bit more forethought from a TV pundit given the circumstances.
You're the one claiming that things are being banned..Love it. "repressed victim of censorship" - classic culture war jargon, well played!
'Gary' thought of it, thought about it, then tweeted it. He used his judgement (as nothing is banned, right?)
SO, simple question: can pundits make jokes about bras, or not? Allowed - orbannednot allowed?
Seems we have another context or nuance free zone..
How about a less simplistic, more real world question, or three even.
Could pundits possibly think a bit harder as to whether or not their language is helpful or not helpful.
And if they've made a misjudgement, and been informed it's not helpful, could they just simply apologise, think about it, and try to do better in future.??
Kelly's Heroes is the obvious one but it's a bit hackneyed and I feel it doesn't quite capture the whole experience.
Kelly's belly's on the telly?
Which experience are you referring to?
Yeah, of course people with millions of followers should think before they post. I'm not going to defend all sexist/racist/aggresive "banter" or such-like.
But I'm not seeing the harm here. Plenty of people - male and female - agree. At some point you have to accept that harmless jokes WILL be made on the internet. You - and your fellow "feminazi mobsters" - declaring them "not helpful" doesn't mean anyone has to apologise. No-one has a duty to further your cause(s) with everything they say, and some things can't be categorised as either "helpful or not helpful".
Being female doesn't give you any special authority over everything said about females.
well done. You're smarter than me. Now what does it mean?
I suspect she would prefer Gary's joke to that, but, of course, to be sure, we would have to ask her